Abel Kopen v The Independent State of Papua New Guinea [1988-89] PNGLR 659

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
JudgeWoods J
Judgment Date30 October 1989
Citation[1988-89] PNGLR 659
CourtNational Court
Judgement NumberN779

National Court: Woods J

Judgment Delivered: 30 October 1989







Mount Hagen

Woods J

19 September 1989

30 October 1989

DAMAGES — Measure of — Property damage — Motor vehicle damaged in accident — Repairs not effected — Hire purchase running in arrears — Repossession — Claim for loss of vehicle — Damages limited to cost of repairs and reasonable loss of profits — Repossession not foreseeable.

The plaintiff, whose 25-seater bus was damaged as a result of a motor vehicle accident, claimed damages for its loss. The bus was subject to hire purchase and because repairs were not effected and the plaintiff was unable to earn income from its use, instalments fell into arrears and the bus was repossessed.


(1) The damages recoverable were limited to the cost of repairs and the loss of profits for a period sufficiently reasonable to effect repairs.

(2) Repossession was not to be regarded as a reasonable consequence of the damage.

(3) The plaintiff's duty to mitigate his loss required him to take appropriate steps to get the repairs done efficiently and without unreasonable delay.

Statement of Claim

This was an action for damages for loss of a motor vehicle allegedly caused by the negligence of the defendant.


D L O'Connor, for the plaintiff.

B V L Ninai, for the defendant.

Cur adv vult

30 October 1989

WOODS J: This is a claim for damages for the loss of the plaintiff's public motor vehicle (PMV) following it being struck while stationary by a vehicle owned by the defendant on 12 June 1987.

Liability is admitted by the defendant and this case has therefore come on for hearing as an assessment of the damages.

The vehicle concerned was a 25-seater bus...

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7 practice notes
  • Junior Fabian Ningal By His Next Friend Marie Louise Terwiel Ningal v Domi Lucas and Wanpis David Temen (2012) N4887
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • October 29, 2012
    ...Thomas Dal Mini & Ors, WS No. 1370 of 2007 (30 October, 2012) unreported Graham Mappa v PNG Electricity Commission Abel Kopen v State [1988-89] PNGLR 659 Komaip Trading v George Waugulo & The State [1995] PNGLR 165 William Pattits for and On behalf of Sasaova Business Group v The State N308......
  • Desmond Guasilu v Enga Provincial Government and the Independent State of Papua New Guinea (2012) N4774
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • August 24, 2012
    ...to damages to compensate him for profits lost during the period that is reasonable to repair the asset (Abel Kopen v The State [1988-89] PNGLR 659). Ideally the plaintiff should provide an audited set of accounts to verify his claim. However, if that evidence is not forthcoming, it does not......
  • Michael Kisua v Henry Tele
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • September 8, 2011
    ...N1634 Peter Goodenough –v- The State [2001] N2157 Enga Enterprises Pty Ltd –v- Danny Porakali, [1995] N1359 Abel Kopen –v- The State [1988-89] PNGLR 659 Graham Mappa –v- PNG Electricity Commission [1992] N1093 Brian Hodson –v- The State [1985] PNGLR 303 Peter Na’al –v- Michael Debege [2000]......
  • Graham Mappa v PNG Electricity Commission (1992) N1093
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • August 25, 1992
    ...DAMAGES — measure of — Property damage — motor vehicle damaged in accident — claim for loss of profit. Cases Cited Kopen v The State [1988-89] PNGLR 659 Topa v The State (1991) Unreported Counsel P Dowa for the Plaintiff. J Kil for the Defendant. 25 August 1992 WOODS J: This is a claim for ......
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7 cases
  • Junior Fabian Ningal By His Next Friend Marie Louise Terwiel Ningal v Domi Lucas and Wanpis David Temen (2012) N4887
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • October 29, 2012
    ...Thomas Dal Mini & Ors, WS No. 1370 of 2007 (30 October, 2012) unreported Graham Mappa v PNG Electricity Commission Abel Kopen v State [1988-89] PNGLR 659 Komaip Trading v George Waugulo & The State [1995] PNGLR 165 William Pattits for and On behalf of Sasaova Business Group v The State N308......
  • Desmond Guasilu v Enga Provincial Government and the Independent State of Papua New Guinea (2012) N4774
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • August 24, 2012
    ...to damages to compensate him for profits lost during the period that is reasonable to repair the asset (Abel Kopen v The State [1988-89] PNGLR 659). Ideally the plaintiff should provide an audited set of accounts to verify his claim. However, if that evidence is not forthcoming, it does not......
  • Graham Mappa v PNG Electricity Commission (1992) N1093
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • August 25, 1992
    ...DAMAGES — measure of — Property damage — motor vehicle damaged in accident — claim for loss of profit. Cases Cited Kopen v The State [1988-89] PNGLR 659 Topa v The State (1991) Unreported Counsel P Dowa for the Plaintiff. J Kil for the Defendant. 25 August 1992 WOODS J: This is a claim for ......
  • Michael Kisua v Henry Tele
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • September 8, 2011
    ...N1634 Peter Goodenough –v- The State [2001] N2157 Enga Enterprises Pty Ltd –v- Danny Porakali, [1995] N1359 Abel Kopen –v- The State [1988-89] PNGLR 659 Graham Mappa –v- PNG Electricity Commission [1992] N1093 Brian Hodson –v- The State [1985] PNGLR 303 Peter Na’al –v- Michael Debege [2000]......
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