Charles Didei v The State

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
JudgeKapi DCJ, Sheehan J, Salika J
Judgment Date02 November 1990
Citation[1990] PNGLR 458
CourtSupreme Court
Judgement NumberSC399

Supreme Court: Kapi DCJ, Sheehan J, Salika J

Judgment Delivered: 2 November 1990







Kapi DCJ Sheehan Salika JJ

24 July 1990

2 November 1990

CRIMINAL LAW — Particular offences — Rape — Evidence — Corroboration — Warning on uncorroborated evidence — Failure of judge to want and record warning — Miscarriage of justice.

CRIMINAL LAW — Appeal and new trial — Miscarriage of justice — Rape — Conviction on uncorroborated evidence — Failure of judge to warn and record warning — Miscarriage of justice.


The failure by a trial judge to warn himself of the danger of accepting the uncorroborated evidence of the prosecutrix in a rape trial and the failure to record that he has so warned himself constitutes a miscarriage of justice sufficient to warrant a retrial.

McCallum v Buibui [1975] PNGLR 439 at 445 and Chiu Nang Hong v Public Prosecutor [1964] 1 WLR 1279 at 1285, considered and applied.

Cases Cited

Chiu Nang Hong v Public Prosecutor [1964] 1 WLR 1279.

McCallum v Buibui [1975] PNGLR 439.

R v Trigg [1963] 1 WLR 305.


This was an appeal against conviction on a charge of rape.


E Kariko and G Gendua, for the appellant

M Unagui and S Madana, for the respondent

Cur adv vult

2 November 1990

KAPI DCJ SHEEHAN SALIKA JJ: The appellant was convicted on a charge that he on 7 December 1986, at Mt Hagen, committed rape upon one Dambo Steven. He now appeals against that conviction and the sentence of five years imprisonment with hard labour that was imposed for this offence.

The amended grounds of appeal were:

(a) That the conviction was unsafe and unsatisfactory and against the weight of the evidence in that the prosecutrix gave three different versions of events relative to the alleged rape.

(b) That conviction was unsafe and unsatisfactory in that there was no medical evidence to prove that sexual intercourse took place that night and that as a result the prosecutrix being a virgin had her hymen torn and she bled.

(c) That the trial judge had erred in law in that he attached much weight to the evidence of the two State witnesses namely James Bohon and Steven Baliho who were present in court at the trial when the prosecutrix had given her evidence in examination in chief and the first part of the cross-examination.

The appellant seeks orders that the conviction be quashed and set aside.

The brief facts of the case were that: On the evening of 6 December 1986, the prosecutrix was at her place with her parents at Kundeng. The appellant went over and picked her up and told her parents he would take her to his house in Mt Hagen town to stay with him and his wife. The appellant was a cousin-brother to the prosecutrix so the parents expected no trouble. The appellant took the girl and drove towards Mt Hagen at about 6 pm to 7 pm. He turned into the airport road and went to the disco at the Plumes and Arrows Hotel. They were there until about 3 am when he told her they were going home.

Instead of going home he took her towards the Mt Hagen show grounds where there was no one about. There he grabbed her and asked to have sex with her. She refused and...

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32 practice notes
  • The State v James Yali (2006) N2989
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • January 1, 2006
    ...starting point. (5) The offender was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment. Daniel Kemi Mebil v The State (2004) SC749, Didei v The State [1990] PNGLR 458, James Mora Meaoa v The State [1996] PNGLR 280, John Aubuku v The State [1987] PNGLR 267, John Jaminan v The State (No 2) [1983] PNGLR 318,......
  • The State v Eddie Sam (2004) N2521
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • February 3, 2004
    ...SC576, The State v Paul Kundi Rape [1976] PNGLR 96, Thomas Arthur McCallum v Gregory Buibui [1975] PNGLR 439, Charles Didei v The State [1990] PNGLR 458, Surijpaul v R [1958] 3 All ER 300 referred to ___________________________ Lenalia J: The accused pleaded not guilty to nine counts of rap......
  • The State v Amos Jonathan (2009) N3764
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • October 22, 2009
    ...of aggravation charged in the indictment. Cases cited The following cases are cited in the judgment: Charles Didei v The State [1990] PNGLR 458; Java Johnson Beraro v The State [1988–89] PNGLR 562; Paulus Pawa v The State [1981] PNGLR 498; Rolf Schubert v The State [1979] PNGLR 66; The Stat......
  • The State v Christopher Nawa (No1) (2009) N3731
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • July 24, 2009
    ...[1981] PNGLR 493; Paulus Pawa v The State [1981] PNGLR 498; Allan Oa Koroka v The State [1988–89] PNGLR 131; Charles Didei v The State [1990] PNGLR 458; The State v Gari Bonu Garitau and Rossana Bonu [1996] PNGLR 48; Garitau Bonu and Rosanna Bonu v The State (1997) SC528; The State v John W......
  • Request a trial to view additional results
32 cases
  • The State v James Yali (2006) N2989
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • January 1, 2006
    ...starting point. (5) The offender was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment. Daniel Kemi Mebil v The State (2004) SC749, Didei v The State [1990] PNGLR 458, James Mora Meaoa v The State [1996] PNGLR 280, John Aubuku v The State [1987] PNGLR 267, John Jaminan v The State (No 2) [1983] PNGLR 318,......
  • The State v Eddie Sam (2004) N2521
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • February 3, 2004
    ...SC576, The State v Paul Kundi Rape [1976] PNGLR 96, Thomas Arthur McCallum v Gregory Buibui [1975] PNGLR 439, Charles Didei v The State [1990] PNGLR 458, Surijpaul v R [1958] 3 All ER 300 referred to ___________________________ Lenalia J: The accused pleaded not guilty to nine counts of rap......
  • The State v Amos Jonathan (2009) N3764
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • October 22, 2009
    ...of aggravation charged in the indictment. Cases cited The following cases are cited in the judgment: Charles Didei v The State [1990] PNGLR 458; Java Johnson Beraro v The State [1988–89] PNGLR 562; Paulus Pawa v The State [1981] PNGLR 498; Rolf Schubert v The State [1979] PNGLR 66; The Stat......
  • The State v Christopher Nawa (No1) (2009) N3731
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • July 24, 2009
    ...[1981] PNGLR 493; Paulus Pawa v The State [1981] PNGLR 498; Allan Oa Koroka v The State [1988–89] PNGLR 131; Charles Didei v The State [1990] PNGLR 458; The State v Gari Bonu Garitau and Rossana Bonu [1996] PNGLR 48; Garitau Bonu and Rosanna Bonu v The State (1997) SC528; The State v John W......
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