Copyright Laws And Trade Industry In The Arab World (Part II)

Article by Dr. Sylvain Massaad

In the first part of this article, we discussed

copyright in the Arab world as well as the types of rights and

works protected by most copyright laws in the same countries. In

this part, we will discuss copyright laws from an economic

perspective, examine industries that contribute to the copyright

business in these countries and trade losses the Arab states suffer

due to high piracy levels, as well as review the legal tools that

protect copyright.

According to the WIPO, copyright-based industries are those

engaged in the process of production and commercialization of

copyrighted works and other related subject matters. In the Arab

states, these industries can be classified into four main


The Core Copyright Industries are industries which are

wholly engaged in the creation, production and manufacturing,

performance, broadcast, communication and exhibition or

distribution and sales of works and other protected subject

matters. The main groups included in this type of category are

press and literature, motion picture industry, musical productions

(including theatrical and operas), radio and television, software

and databases, visual graphic arts and photography and advertising


The Interdependent Copyright Industries are industries

engaged in the production, manufacture and sale of equipment whose

main function is to facilitate the creation, production or use of

works and other protected subject matters. The main products

included in this category are TV sets, radios, VCRs, CD players,

DVD players and electronic game equipment among others like

computer equipment, musical instruments, photographic and

cinematographic instruments, photocopiers, blank recording material

and paper.

The Partial Copyright Industries are industries in which

a portion of the activities is related to works and other protected

subject matters and may involve creation, production and

manufacturing, performance, broadcast, communication and exhibition

or distribution and sales. The main products and group of

industries involved in this category are clothing, textiles and

footwear, jewelry, coins and other crafts, furniture, household

goods, wall coverings and carpets, toys and games, architecture,

engineering and interior design.

The Non-Dedicated Support Industries are industries in

which a portion of the activities is related to facilitating

broadcast, communication, distribution or sales of works and other


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