In the matter of Section 155 (2) (b) of the Constitution and in the matter of Part XVIII of the Organic Law on National and Local Level Government Elections; Edward Ekanda Alina v Francis Mulungu Potape, Member Elect for the Komo Magarima Open Electorate and Raphael Yaki, Returning Officer for the Komo Magarima Open Electorate and Andrew Trawen, Chief Electoral Commissioner of Papua New Guinea and Electoral Commission of Papua New Guinea (2013) SC1235

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
JudgeKirriwom J, Hartshorn J and Kariko J
Judgment Date09 May 2013
CourtSupreme Court
Citation(2013) SC1235
Docket NumberSCREV 46 OF 2012
Judgement NumberSC1235

Full Title: SCREV 46 OF 2012; In the matter of Section 155 (2) (b) of the Constitution and in the matter of Part XVIII of the Organic Law on National and Local Level Government Elections; Edward Ekanda Alina v Francis Mulungu Potape, Member Elect for the Komo Magarima Open Electorate and Raphael Yaki, Returning Officer for the Komo Magarima Open Electorate and Andrew Trawen, Chief Electoral Commissioner of Papua New Guinea and Electoral Commission of Papua New Guinea (2013) SC1235

Supreme Court: Kirriwom J, Hartshorn J and Kariko J

Judgment Delivered: 9 May 2013




SCREV 46 OF 2012










elect for the Komo Magarima Open Electorate

First Respondent


RAPHAEL YAKI, Returning Officer for

the Komo Magarima Open Electorate

Second Respondent


ANDREW TRAWEN, Chief Electoral

Commissioner of Papua New Guinea

Third Respondent




Fourth Respondent

Waigani: Kirriwom J., Hartshorn J. and

: Kariko J.

2013: 3rd, 9th May

Application to dismiss a Review pursuant to s. 155(2)(b) Constitution of an election petition decision – Order 5 Rule 37 (a) Supreme Court Rules


This is an application pursuant to Order 5 Rule 37 (a) Supreme Court Rules to dismiss a Review pursuant to s. 155 (2)(b) Constitution of an election petition decision on the grounds that the Review has not been prosecuted with due diligence and that an order of this court has not been complied with.


The applicant has not complied with a Court order and the Review has not been prosecuted with the due diligence required. The first respondent is entitled to the relief that he seeks. The applicant’s application for review is dismissed.

Cases cited:

Hami Yawari v. Anderson Agiru (2008) SC948


Mr. P. Ame, for the Applicant

Ms. C. Copeland, for the First Respondent

Mr. K. Kepo, for the Second, Third and Fourth Respondents

9th May, 2013

1. BY THE COURT: Mr. Francis Potape was the successful candidate in the 2012 Elections for the Komo Magarima Open Electorate. Mr. Edward Alina, an unsuccessful candidate, brought an Election Petition disputing the result. That Election Petition was dismissed by the National Court. Mr. Alina was granted leave by the Supreme Court to judicially review the decision of the National Court and this Review was filed on 4th December 2012.

2. Mr. Potape now makes an application pursuant to Order 5 Rule 37 (a) Supreme Court Rules to dismiss Mr. Alina’s Review on the grounds that the Review has not been prosecuted with due diligence and further, that an order of this court has not been complied with.

3. Mr. Alina opposes this application for dismissal. The second, third and fourth respondents, being the Electoral Commission and two of its officials, support this application. They have moved their own application for dismissal of this Review. We will deliver a decision on their application if the present application fails.

4. It is not in dispute that:

a) this Review was filed on 4th December 2012,

b) the production of the transcript of the National Court proceedings for the hearing that occurred on 8th November 2012 in EP No. 33 of 2012 (8/11 transcript) is necessary for the hearing of this Review and should have been included in the review book. Counsel for Mr. Alina confirmed to this court that the 8/11 transcript is necessary.

c) the lawyers for Mr. Alina were put on notice that the 8/11 transcript was necessary, by letter dated 18th February 2013 from the lawyers for Mr. Potape.

d) on 24th April 2013 the Chief Justice sitting as a single Supreme Court Judge ordered that, amongst others, that Mr. Alina shall produce the 8/11 transcript on 26th April 2013 and that the matter was adjourned to 26th April 2013 (subject order).

e) on 26th April 2013 at 9:30am when the matter returned before the Chief Justice, counsel for Mr. Alina did not make an appearance and the 8/11 transcript was not produced at that time.

f) the review book has not been certified by the lawyers for the first respondent.

g) no application has been made by Mr. Alina to vary the subject order or to dispense with the requirements of the Election Petition Review Rules.

5. As the subject order was not complied with by Mr. Alina, the issue is whether the non-compliance by him and his prosecution of the Review are such that this Review should be dismissed.

6. Counsel for Mr. Alina submits in essence that all that should have been done by Mr. Alina and his lawyers in preparing and progressing the Review for hearing has been done but that because of the repeated requests of the lawyers for the respondents, especially the first respondent, for amendments to the review book and for the 8/11 transcript to be included, this has resulted in the review book being served late upon the respondents. Further, the Review is now ready to be heard and the respondents have not suffered any prejudice as a result of the delays that have occurred.

7. It is clear that the subject order was made after a continuing failure by Mr. Alina's lawyers to order and obtain the 8/11 transcript, from soon after the Review was filed in December 2012 up to and including when they ordered the 8/11 transcript on 24th April 2013. This continuing failure is notwithstanding that Mr. Alina’s lawyers were put on notice in February 2013 by the lawyers for Mr. Potape that the 8/11 transcript was required to be included in the review book and Mr. Alina's counsel confirming that the 8/11 transcript is necessary for the hearing of the Review.

8. Though no reason has been given by Mr. Alina for the subject order not being complied with, it is evident that it is because the 8/11 transcript was not ready until late on 26th April - Mr. Alina's lawyers only placing the order for the 8/11 transcript on 24th April - after the subject order had been made.

9. Order 5 Rule 37 (a) Supreme Court Rules is as follows:

“Where a party has not done any act required to be done by or under the rules of this division or otherwise has not prosecuted his or her application for leave or application for review with due diligence, or has failed to comply with a direction or order of the Court or a Judge, the Court or a Judge may on its or his own motion or on application by a party, at any stage of the proceeding:-

(a) order that the application for leave or application for review be dismissed where the defaulting party is the applicant;….”

10. As this Court stated in Hami Yawari v. Anderson Agiru (2008) SC948:

“When the provisions of the Rules dealing with the management of an application for review are considered and particularly the time limits for direction hearings, the filing and serving of the...

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