Lawyers Act 1986

Coming into Force01 January 1986
Published date01 January 1986
Revision Date01 October 2021
Type of DocumentHistoric Legislation
Lawyers Act 1986

[Lawyers Act 1986 consolidated to No 15 of 1997]


No. 66 of 1986.

Lawyers Act 1986,

Being an Act relating to lawyers,

MADE by the National Parliament, to come into operation in accordance with a notice in the National Gazette by the Head of State, acting with, and in accordance with, the advice of the Minister.

1 Interpretation.

In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears—

"admission" means admission to practice as a lawyer;

"Admission Council" means the Admission Council established by Section 25A;

"Attorney-General" means the Attorney-General referred to in the Attorney-General Act 1989;

"Committee" means the Lawyers Statutory Committee established by Section 48;

"Contribution Fund" means the Trust Accounts Contribution Fund established by Section 80;

"costs" includes fees, charges, disbursements, expenses and remuneration;

"Council" means the Council of the Law Society established by Section 11;

"Councillor" means a Councillor of the Society appointed under Section 11;

"country", in the case of a foreign country with a federal system of government, includes States within that country;

"Court" means the National Court;

"fit and proper person" means a person determined as such in accordance with this Act;

"Fund" means the General Fund established by Section 85;

"lawyer" means a person who has been admitted to practice as a lawyer under this Act;

"practising certificate" means a practising certificate issued under Section 39;

"President" means the President of the Society;

"Registrar" means the Registrar of the Court;

"repealed Act" means the Lawyers Act (Chapter 91) repealed by Section 110;

"resident" means, for the purpose of the issue of a practising certificate,

(a) a lawyer who is a citizen; or

(b) a person who declares on oath in writing that he intends to reside in Papua New Guinea for a period of not less than 12 months from the date of his application for a practising certificate;

"restricted practising certificate" means a restricted practising certificate issued under Section 40;

"Roll" means the Roll of Lawyers kept under Section 30;

"Rules" means the Rules of the Society made by the Council under Section 21;

"Rules of Court" means the Rules of Court of the National Court;

"Secretary" means the Secretary of the Society appointed under Section 22;

"Society" means the Papua New Guinea Law Society established under Section 2;

"this Act" includes the Regulations;

"trust account", in relation to Section 82, means a current or deposit account in the name of the lawyer at a bank in the title of which account the word "Trust" appears, or where no such word...

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