Legislative News. May 2017

This Client Update covers the key amendments to the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan ('RK') and various legal developments introduced in May 2017.


The laws covered by the present Client Update are related to both public and private sectors. Some of them may be of interest to you, as they may affect your business in Kazakhstan.

We would like to draw your attention to the following legislative acts.



On 17 May 2017, the President of the RK signed the Law No. 66-VI 'On Ratification of the Charter of the Hague Conference on Private International Law'.

The Charter of the Hague Conference on Private International Law was adopted in the Hague on 31 October 1951. The Hague Conference signatories are 81 states and the European Union. The main goal of this international organization is to unify the rules of private international law, as well as to promote cooperation between the countries in this area.

The accession to the Hague Conference will allow Kazakhstan to participate in international rule-making in the area of private law, in order to ensure the effective protection of the rights of its citizens abroad.



On 5 May 2017, the President of the RK signed the Law No. 60-VI 'On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts on the Issues of Culture' ('the Law').

The Law provides for the certain changes to the state procurement laws (the Law of the RK 'On State Procurement' dated 4 December 2015). With the Law's enactment on 21 May 2017, the right of the service owners to amend the annual state procurement plan no more than once a month will not extend to the following cases=:

The state procurement by state-owned enterprises, companies, where more than fifty percent of the voting shares (participating interests in the charter capital) belong to the State, as well as their affiliates; The execution of instructions, notifications of the elimination of violations detected as a result of control measures, including the results of statutory desk-top tax review; The state procurement followed from clarification/adjustment of the respective budget in accordance with the Kazakhstan laws. The Law came into force on 21 May 2017.


On 6 May 2017, the President of the RK signed the Law No. 62-VI 'On Debt Collection' ('the Law').

The Law aims at creating a civilized market for debt collection services and protecting the rights of the...

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