LuxSE PLUS: New Document Hyperlinking Service Under Prospectus Regulation

To comply with the hyperlink requirements of the new prospectus regime and lessen any ongoing monitoring which would need to be performed by issuers in this respect, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) has recently built a new tool: the Perma Link Upload Service - PLUS.

According to the new Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, applicable in Luxembourg since 21 July 2019, all documents incorporated by reference in a prospectus for public offers of securities and/or admission to trading of securities on a regulated market, must be accessible through hyperlinks pointing directly to the relevant document(s). These hyperlinks must be valid and accessible for at least 10 years.

It is therefore crucial for issuers to ensure that the hyperlinks remain operational during the entire lifetime of the prospectus.


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