Marriage Act (Chapter 280)

Coming into Force21 January 1965
Published date21 January 1965
Revision Date01 October 2021
Type of DocumentHistoric Legislation
Marriage Act (Chapter 280)


CHAPTER No. 280.

Marriage Act.

Being an Act relating to marriage.

1 Interpretation.

(1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears—

"Ambassador" includes Minister, Head of Mission and Chargé d'Affaires;

"authorized celebrant" means—

(a) a minister of religion registered under Section 28(1); or

(b) the Registrar-General; or

(c) a person authorized by the Minister under Section 34(2) to solemnize marriages;

"the commencement date" means 21 January 1965 (being the date of commencement of the pre-Independence Marriage Act 1963);

"consul" includes a consul-general, vice-consul, pro-consul and consular agent;

"consular office" means an office of consul or trade commissioner;

"consular officer" means—

(a) a person appointed to hold, or act in, a consular office of the Government in a place outside the country; or

(b) a person appointed to hold, or act in, a consular office of the Government of Australia in a place outside Papua New Guinea and Australia;

"diplomatic office" means an office of—

(a) Ambassador; or

(b) High Commissioner; or

(c) Commissioner; or

(d) counsellor, secretary or attaché at an embassy, High Commissioner's office, legation or other post;

"diplomatic officer" means—

(a) a person appointed to hold, or act in, a diplomatic office of the Government in a place outside the country; or

(b) a person appointed to hold, or act in, a diplomatic office of the Government of Australia in a place outside Papua New Guinea and Australia;

"guardian" includes a guardian by custom, and where under relevant custom, there is more than one guardian, means the principal guardian;

"Magistrate" means a Magistrate of a District Court;

"minister of religion" means—

(a) a person recognized by a religious body or a religious organization as having authority to solemnize marriages in accordance with the rites or customs of the body or organization; and

(b) in relation to a religious body or a religious organization in respect of which Paragraph (a) is not applicable, a person nominated by—

(i) the head or the governing authority in the country of the body or organization; or

(ii) such other person or authority acting on behalf of the body or organization as is prescribed,

to be an authorized celebrant for the purposes of this Act;

"minor" means a person who has not attained the age of 21 years;

"overseas country" means a country or place other than Papua New Guinea or a part of the Queen's dominions;

"prescribed authority", in relation to a marriage proposed to be solemnized in the country, means a person appointed by the Head of State, acting on advice, to be a prescribed authority;

"the Queen's dominions" includes a British protectorate and a British protected State;

"recognized denomination" means a religious body or a religious organization declared under Section 26 to be a recognized denomination for the purposes of this Act;

"the Registrar-General" includes a Deputy Registrar-General;

"the regulations" means any regulations made under this Act;

"this Act" includes the regulations.

(2) Where—

(a) a marriage is solemnized in the presence of a person in whose presence a marriage may, in accordance with this Act, be lawfully solemnized; and

(b) he consents to the marriage being solemnized in his presence,

he shall be deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to solemnize the marriage.

2 Application.

This Act does not affect the validity or invalidity of a marriage that took place before the commencement date.

3 Customary marriages.

(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act or of any other law, a native, other than a native who is a party to a subsisting marriage under Part V. may enter, and shall be deemed always to have been capable of entering, into a customary marriage in accordance with the custom prevailing in the tribe or group to which the parties to the marriage or either of them belong or belongs.

(2) Subject to this Act, a customary marriage is valid and effectual for all purposes.

4 Religious rites.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act or of any other law, religious rites or ceremonies may be performed in connexion with a customary marriage.

5 Protection of women.

(1) A Magistrate of a Local Court may, by order, forbid the marriage of a woman in accordance with custom, or purportedly in accordance with custom, where the woman objects to the marriage or purported marriage and—

(a) excessive pressure has been brought to bear to persuade her to enter into the marriage; or

(b) in the circumstances it would be a hardship to compel her to conform to custom.

(2) A person who marries, or purports to marry, a woman in contravention of an order under Subsection (1) is guilty of an offence.

Penalty: A fine not exceeding K400.00 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or both.

(3) Where a marriage or purported marriage by custom has been entered into in contravention of this section, a Local Court may, on application made by or on behalf of the woman at the first reasonably practicable opportunity after the marriage or purported marriage, order that the marriage or purported marriage be annulled as from the date of the order, and may make such further or other order in the premises, whether to adjust property rights as though the marriage were dissolved in accordance with custom, or otherwise, as to it seems just.

6 Application of Part III.

(1) This Part applies, notwithstanding any common law rule of private international law, in relation to marriages under Division V.2.

(2) Section 7 and, so far as they have application in relation to that section, Sections 13 and 14 apply in relation to—

(a) marriages to which Division V.3 applies; and

(b) the marriage of a person domiciled in the country, wherever it takes place.

(3) This Part does not apply to customary marriages.

7 Marriageable age.

(1) Subject to this section—


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