Motor Vehicles Insurance (PNG) Trust v Viel Kampu (1998) SC587

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
JudgeKapi DCJ, Sheehan J, Jalina J
Judgment Date29 October 1998
Citation(1998) SC587
CourtSupreme Court
Judgement NumberSC587

Full Title: Motor Vehicles Insurance (PNG) Trust v Viel Kampu (1998) SC587

Supreme Court: Kapi DCJ, Sheehan J, Jalina J

Judgment Delivered: 29 October 1998

SC 587



SCA 32 OF 1996



- Appellant —



- Respondent —


1998: 29 October

Claim under MVI (PNG) Trust Act Chpt 295 — appeals against grant of leave for extension of time to give notice of claim — application to be determined judicially.

Mr A. Kandakasi for the Appellant

Mr P. Kopunye for the Respondent

BY THE COURT: This is an appeal against the decision of the National Court made at Mt. Hagen on 19th April 1996 which allowed the Respondent an extension of time to give notice of claim to the Appellant Trust under s. 54(6)(b) of the Motor Vehicles Insurance (PNG) Trust chpt. 295. The grounds of the appeal are set out below.

"(a) His Honour erred in law in admitting into evidence documentation …. Which was not in proper admissible form.

(b) His Honour erred in law in following … decision … decided on wrong principles and …..

(c) His Honour erred in holding … that the Respondent's lawyers had the locus standi to make the application on behalf of the Respondent who had not given Instructions to make that application.

(d) The learned trial Judge erred in finding that the Respondent showed "sufficient cause" in not giving the Appellant notice of his intention to make a claim against the Respondent, when there was no or insufficient basis to arrive at that finding.

(e) His Honour erred in both fact and in law in failing to find that the Respondent's failure to promptly notify the Appellant of his intention to make a claim against it, prejudiced the Respondent's position in relation to such a claim ….

(f) His Honour erred in finding that the Respondent was one and the same person as Piel Kambu when there was no or insufficient evidence to support that finding.

(g) His Honour erred in law and in face in holding that the relevant time factor to determine the period of delay commences from the date of the Insurance Commissioner's refusal letter.

The first two assert that an application to the Court for an extension of time constitutes a formal application for the Court's intervention, not merely an administrative function exercised by the Court as an alternative to that of Insurance Commissioner. We are satisfied that that is so. Section 54(6) of the Acts provides:

"(6) No action to enforce any claim under this section lies against the Trust unless a Notice of Intention to make a claim is given by the claimant to the Trust within a period of six(6) months after the occurrence out of which the claim arose or within such further periods as —

(a) the Commissioner; or

(b) the Court before which the action is constituted;

on sufficient cause been shown, allows."

Thus unless a Notice of Intention to make a claim is made within six(6) months, the MVIT may decline to entertain such a claim. A claimant may then have recourse to the Insurance Commissioner who is constituted under s. 4(1) of the Insurance Act Chpt. 255 or to the Court, to explain why the statutory time was allowed to lapse and show that despite delay an extension of time granted would not unduly prejudice the Trust.

The opportunity for recourse to the Insurance...

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13 practice notes
  • Roselyne Cecil Kusa v Motor Vehicle Insurance (PNG) Trust (2003) N2328
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 24 January 2003
    ...estoppel by acquiescence against the Trust. 9 MVIT v Salio Tabanto [1995] PNGLR 214, MVIT v Pupune [1993] PNGLR 370, MVIT v Viel Kampu (1998) SC587, Rundle v MVIT [1988] PNGLR 20, Graeme Rundle v MVIT [1987] PNGLR 44, Michael Konga v MVIT (1995) N1349, MVIT v John Etape [1994] PNGLR 596, Ve......
  • Rawson Construction Limited on Behalf of Itself and 238 Others v Department of Works and The Independent State of Papua New Guinea (2005) SC777
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 4 March 2005
    ...not coming within the time period prescribed by the Act. For a detailed look at this, see the Supreme Court decision in MVIT v Viel Kampu (1998) SC587 as well as The Application of Sir Kepu Pupu (1992) N1077." In the present case, we note that the learned trial judge carefully considered ea......
  • MVIL v Martha Kuma
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 9 August 2000
    ...cause".2 Power of the Supreme Court to grant extension on appeal s16(c) Supreme Court Act (Ch37)—principles considered.3 MVIT v Viel Kampu (1998) SC587, Graeme Rundle v MVIT [1987] PNGLR 44; Rundle v MVIT [1988] PNGLR 20, Leo Duque v Avia Andrew Paru [1997] PNGLR 378; ABCO Transport Pty Ltd......
  • Smith Alvi & 127 Others v Andake Tepoka and Max Umbu Puli and The Independent State of Papua New Guinea (2006) SC1151
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 1 September 2006
    ...of Defence Force (2004) SC751; Kopen Yanda and Others v Apostolic Church Properties Association of PNG Inc (2006) N3042; MVIT v Viel Kampu (1998) SC587; POSFB v Paul Paraka trading as Paul Paraka Lawyers (2004) N2791; Roselyne Cecil Kusa v MVIT (2003) N2328 APPLICATION This was an applicati......
  • Request a trial to view additional results
13 cases
  • Roselyne Cecil Kusa v Motor Vehicle Insurance (PNG) Trust (2003) N2328
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 24 January 2003
    ...estoppel by acquiescence against the Trust. 9 MVIT v Salio Tabanto [1995] PNGLR 214, MVIT v Pupune [1993] PNGLR 370, MVIT v Viel Kampu (1998) SC587, Rundle v MVIT [1988] PNGLR 20, Graeme Rundle v MVIT [1987] PNGLR 44, Michael Konga v MVIT (1995) N1349, MVIT v John Etape [1994] PNGLR 596, Ve......
  • Rawson Construction Limited on Behalf of Itself and 238 Others v Department of Works and The Independent State of Papua New Guinea (2005) SC777
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 4 March 2005
    ...not coming within the time period prescribed by the Act. For a detailed look at this, see the Supreme Court decision in MVIT v Viel Kampu (1998) SC587 as well as The Application of Sir Kepu Pupu (1992) N1077." In the present case, we note that the learned trial judge carefully considered ea......
  • MVIL v Martha Kuma
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 9 August 2000
    ...cause".2 Power of the Supreme Court to grant extension on appeal s16(c) Supreme Court Act (Ch37)—principles considered.3 MVIT v Viel Kampu (1998) SC587, Graeme Rundle v MVIT [1987] PNGLR 44; Rundle v MVIT [1988] PNGLR 20, Leo Duque v Avia Andrew Paru [1997] PNGLR 378; ABCO Transport Pty Ltd......
  • Smith Alvi & 127 Others v Andake Tepoka and Max Umbu Puli and The Independent State of Papua New Guinea (2006) SC1151
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 1 September 2006
    ...of Defence Force (2004) SC751; Kopen Yanda and Others v Apostolic Church Properties Association of PNG Inc (2006) N3042; MVIT v Viel Kampu (1998) SC587; POSFB v Paul Paraka trading as Paul Paraka Lawyers (2004) N2791; Roselyne Cecil Kusa v MVIT (2003) N2328 APPLICATION This was an applicati......
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