New Rules On Shareholders Involvement In Directors' Pay: Say On Pay


On December, 9th 2016, the European Parliament published an informal agreement reached by European Parliament, Council and Commission negotiators on shareholders' right to vote on directors' pay. This new directive will aim at ensuring full transparency for listed companies and investors, as well as linking directors' pay to company's long term performances.

What does it mean?

The so-called "say on pay" will give shareholders the right to take part in the decision process for directors' pay through the vote on remuneration policy for company directors.

This new approach will ensure a stronger control over the directors' pay levels by linking it to their performance but also to the company's long-term interests.

In order to increase the transparency of directors' pay, the remuneration policy will have to explain:

to what extent it takes into account the employees' pay and employment conditions; how it contributes to the company's interests in a long-term perspective. Besides, "dangerous" transactions will have to be disclosed and approved to minimize risks and ensure the protection of both the companies' and shareholders' interests.


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