Significant Decrease Of Public Procurement Cases In Swedish Courts

In its reports Figures and facts for public procurement (the Swedish Competition Authority's report series 2012:6), the Swedish Competition Authority provides a short introduction to public procurement and presents basic facts and some interesting statistics on numbers and values of procurements with prior publication in Sweden and how many procurements have been reviewed. The report is published on the Swedish Competition Authority's website

In 2011, 1320 procurements with prior publication were subject to a review procedure or approximately 7 % of all procurements in Sweden. In 2011, review procedures of procurements were most common within the transport sector, where as many as 17 % of all procurements were reviewed.

Even though a significant number of public procurements still are subject to a review procedure, it is interesting to note that the total number of cases in the administrative courts has decreased. The number of cases increased steadily until 2010 when in it reached its peak with 3572 cases. In 2011 this trend was broken and in 2011, only 2754 cases, corresponding, to a decrease of approximately 23 %, reached the administrative courts. In our...

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