The State v Gilbert Peter Diga

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
JudgeSawong J
Judgment Date17 April 2000
Citation(2000) N1991
CourtNational Court
Judgement NumberN1991

National Court: Sawong J

Judgment Delivered: 17 April 2000



[In the National Court of Justice in Madang]

CR 318 OF 2000





2000: 14TH, 17TH APRIL

Criminal Law – Sentence – Armed Robbery – Plea of Guilty – Robbery of victims in a PMV bus – Sentence of 7 years IHL -

MR. RUARRI, for the State

MR. KARI, for the Accused

17th April, 2000


SAWONG J. : On Friday, last week, you pleaded guilty to committing armed robbery, an offence contrary to S. 386 (2) of the Code.

The facts were that you and your accomplice, who were drunk, got a PMV bus to go to Newtown in Madang. When you arrived at Kuperu Road, in Newtown, you and your accomplice told the bus driver to stop so that you could get off. The bus stopped and the two of you got out and when you got out you demanded money from the bus crew. You assaulted the crew and stole K50.00 from him, after which you left.

You are a 26 year old married man. No children. You come from a family of 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Both of your parents are alive. Completed grade eight.

In your allocates you said some things, these I have taken note off. You are a first offender. You have been in custody since 12 December 1999, a period of 4 months and 4 days.

You and your friend were drunk when you committed this offence. Unfortunately, we once again see the effect of alcohol abuse. This is not a factor in your favour; in fact it is a factor against you.

The victim was assaulted by you and your friend. There was therefore actual violence involved in the course of robbery.

The offence attracts a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. So you can see that you could be sent to jail for many years. This is serious prevalent and violent offence. Your lawyer said the sentence should be between four to six...

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4 practice notes
  • The State v Nelson N Ngasele (2003) SC731
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 3 October 2003
    ...State v Gilbert Peter Diga (Unreported and Unnumbered judgment delivered on 2 April 1998; SCR 9 of 1995) [The State v Gilbert Peter Diga (2000) N1991], The State v Danny Pakai (2001) N2174, The State v Kennedy Arus (2001) N2081, The State v Fabian Kenny (2002) N2237, The State v Collin Amok......
  • The State v Jerry Mana (2003) N2367
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 2 May 2003
    ...v Jimmy Morgan (2001) N2171, Kesino Apo v The State [1988] PNGLR 182, The State v Abel Airi (2000) N2007, The State v Gilbert Peter Diga (2000) N1991 and The State v Lucas Yovura (2003) N2366 referred to ___________________________ Kandakasi J: You pleaded guilty to one charge of manslaught......
  • The State v Ian Bob Wali (2004) N2580
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 11 June 2004
    ...Acting Public Prosecutor v Clement Maki and Tom Kasen (1981) SC205, The State v Abel Airi (2000) N2007, The State v Gilbert Peter Diga (2000) N1991, The State v Jerry Mana (2003) N2367, The State v Lucas Yovura (2003) N2366, Peter Naibiri and Kutoi Soti Apia v The State (1978) SC137, Ure Ha......
  • The State v Kevin Aku Knox and Alex Ambi (2008) N3339
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 15 May 2008
    ...Arua Peter v. The State (2000) SC638, Nelson N. Ngasele, The State v. James Gatana & Ors (2001) N2127, The State v. Gilbert Peter Diga (2000) N1991, The State v. Billy Bimaru (2000) N2025, The State v. Gore Yogal (2001) N2080, The State v. Sul Kora (2001) N2092, Vincent Malara, The State v.......
4 cases
  • The State v Nelson N Ngasele (2003) SC731
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 3 October 2003
    ...State v Gilbert Peter Diga (Unreported and Unnumbered judgment delivered on 2 April 1998; SCR 9 of 1995) [The State v Gilbert Peter Diga (2000) N1991], The State v Danny Pakai (2001) N2174, The State v Kennedy Arus (2001) N2081, The State v Fabian Kenny (2002) N2237, The State v Collin Amok......
  • The State v Jerry Mana (2003) N2367
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 2 May 2003
    ...v Jimmy Morgan (2001) N2171, Kesino Apo v The State [1988] PNGLR 182, The State v Abel Airi (2000) N2007, The State v Gilbert Peter Diga (2000) N1991 and The State v Lucas Yovura (2003) N2366 referred to ___________________________ Kandakasi J: You pleaded guilty to one charge of manslaught......
  • The State v Ian Bob Wali (2004) N2580
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 11 June 2004
    ...Acting Public Prosecutor v Clement Maki and Tom Kasen (1981) SC205, The State v Abel Airi (2000) N2007, The State v Gilbert Peter Diga (2000) N1991, The State v Jerry Mana (2003) N2367, The State v Lucas Yovura (2003) N2366, Peter Naibiri and Kutoi Soti Apia v The State (1978) SC137, Ure Ha......
  • The State v Kevin Aku Knox and Alex Ambi (2008) N3339
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 15 May 2008
    ...Arua Peter v. The State (2000) SC638, Nelson N. Ngasele, The State v. James Gatana & Ors (2001) N2127, The State v. Gilbert Peter Diga (2000) N1991, The State v. Billy Bimaru (2000) N2025, The State v. Gore Yogal (2001) N2080, The State v. Sul Kora (2001) N2092, Vincent Malara, The State v.......

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