The State v James Wakis (2008) N3426

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
JudgeCannings J
Judgment Date24 July 2008
Citation(2008) N3426
Docket NumberCR NO 74 0F 2008
CourtNational Court
Judgement NumberN3426

Full Title: CR NO 74 0F 2008; The State v James Wakis (2008) N3426

National Court: Cannings J

Judgment Delivered: 24 July 2008




CR NO 74 0F 2008




Kimbe: Cannings J

2008: 11, 24 July


CRIMINAL LAW – sentence – arson – guilty plea – two semi-permanent buildings burned down – family dispute – sentence of 6 years.

A man pleaded guilty to arson. He was having a long-running dispute with his brother over the oil palm block which they shared and on which they had separate houses. He joined with two others and entered his brother’s house, assaulted the occupants and forced them to flee. Then he set fire to the dwelling house and an adjacent haus boi, destroying them and the properties in them.


(1) The starting point for sentencing for arson regarding a dwelling house is ten years imprisonment.

(2) Mitigating factors are: de-facto provocation; isolated incident; co-operated with police; no further trouble; pleaded guilty; remorse; first-time offender; victim’s wish that the offender not be imprisoned; favourable pre-sentence report.

(3) Aggravating factors are: planned offence; occupants assaulted; damage of high value; a man and his family were directly affected; did not give himself up; not a youthful offender.

(4) A sentence of six years was imposed. The pre-sentence period in custody was deducted and all of the sentence was suspended subject to conditions including payment of K6,000.00 compensation within six months.

Cases cited

The following cases are cited in the judgment:

Saperus Yalibakut v The State SCRA No 52 of 2005, 27.04.06

The State v Alfred Awesa CR 1587/2005, 06.04.06

The State v Bernard Bambai CR 1931/2005, 23.03.06

The State v Bonifas Bowa CR 1930/2005, 23.03.06

The State v Jacob Patore CR 32/2005, 27.03.07

The State v Oscar Rebon, Alken Rebon and Nautim Benal CR 29-31/2005, 09.03.07

The State v Patrick Michael & Leo Koligen CR 281 & 283/2004, 10.10.05

The State v Pelly Vireru & Spelly Kaiwa CR 468 & 469/2002, 20.12.05

The State v Rex Hekawi Tami CR 1590/2005, 23.03.06

The State v Mondo Baundo CR 1320/2006, 24.08.06


The following abbreviations appear in the judgment:

CR – Criminal

J – Justice

K – Kina

N – National Court judgment

No – number

SCRA – Supreme Court Criminal Appeal

v – versus

WNB – West New Britain


This was a judgment on sentence for arson.


F Popeu, for the State

T Gene, for the offender

24 July, 2008

1. CANNINGS J: This is a decision on sentence for a man who pleaded guilty to one count of arson arising from the following facts.

2. On 3 November 2007 the offender, James Wakis, was at Galai 1 oil palm settlement, near Kimbe, in the company of two or three other people. He went to a house on block No 1550, occupied by his brother, Kipa Gone. It was 8.30 pm and the occupants of the house were asleep. The offender and his accomplices entered the house, assaulted the occupants and forced them to flee. He then poured kerosene around the house and set it alight. The result was that two buildings were burned down:

· a semi-permanent building serving as a dwelling house and kitchen; and

· a semi-permanent dwelling serving as a haus boi.

3. Personal property within those buildings was also destroyed. The total value of the two buildings and the property within them was K27,660.00.


4. The offender has no prior convictions.


5. I administered the allocutus, ie the offender was given the opportunity to say what matters the court should take into account when deciding on punishment. He said:

I had a dispute with my older brother. We are always in dispute. He provoked me into doing this. I apologise before the court for what I have done. I have a wife and an old mother to look after. I have an oil palm block and I need to be there so I can look after my family.


6. As the offender has pleaded guilty he will be given the benefit of the doubt on mitigating matters raised in the depositions, the allocutus or in submissions that are not contested by the prosecution (Saperus Yalibakut v The State SCRA No 52 of 2005, 27.04.06). I take into account that: he was provoked into doing what he did; and he cooperated with the police and made admissions in his police interview.


7. I received a pre-sentence report from the Community Corrections and Rehabilitation Service, which is favourable to the offender. He is of East Sepik parentage but has lived in WNB all his life. He is aged about 39, married with five children. His mother lives with him in the family home. He is educated to grade 6 and has had only limited formal employment. The oil palm block provides him with his primary source of income. He is in good health and he wants to stay living on the block.

8. He is well regarded in the local community. The victim, his brother, does not want him to go to jail. He would prefer to receive compensation of about K6,000.00. The offender is not regarded as a threat to the community and is recommended for probation.


9. Mr Gene highlighted the guilty plea, that the offender has no criminal record and he has a good pre-sentence report. Five years, fully suspended, subject to payment of K6,000.00 compensation, would be an appropriate sentence, he submitted.


10. Mr Popeu submitted that though there had been some reconciliation, the offence was serious and warranted a sentence of five to ten years. The sentence could be suspended subject to payment of compensation, he submitted.


11. To determine the appropriate penalty I will adopt the following decision making process:

· step 1: what is the maximum penalty?

· step 2: what is a proper starting point?

· step 3: what sentences have been imposed for equivalent offences?

· step 4: what is the head sentence?

· step 5: should the pre-sentence period in custody be deducted?

· step 6: should all or part of the sentence be suspended?


12. The offender has been convicted of arson under Section 436(a) of the Criminal Code. The maximum penalty is life imprisonment. The court has discretion whether to impose the maximum penalty by virtue of Section 19 of the Criminal Code.


13. As I have said in recent arson cases in this Province, the starting point for sentencing for the serious offence of burning down a dwelling house is ten years imprisonment (The State v Oscar Rebon, Alken Rebon and Nautim Benal CR 29-31/2005, 09.03.07; The State v Jacob Patore CR 32/2005, 27.03.07).


14. Before I fix a sentence, I will consider sentences I have handed down in other arson cases recently in West New Britain. These cases are shown in the following table.



No Case Details Sentence

The State v Patrick Guilty plea – victim of arson was alleged to have 3 years,
Michael & Leo sexually penetrated the daughter of one of the 3 years
CR 281 & offenders – offenders were demanding
283/2004, 10.10.05 compensation from victim – went with a mob –
offenders ordered others to burn down the
victim’s bush material house.

The State v Pelly Guilty plea – dispute between one of the 5 years,
Vireru & Spelly offenders and brother of a young female – 5 years
CR 468 & brother damages windscreen on a bus belonging
469/2002, 20.12.05 to one of the offenders – offender comes back
with co-accused and a fight ensued and a
dwelling house valued at over K30,000.00 was
burnt down.

The State v Bernard Guilty plea – a husband-wife argument (between 3 years
CR the offender and his wife) – offender, drunk,
1931/2005, 23.03.06 deliberately set a pile of clothes on fire in the
living room, causing the house to burn down –
government property, valued at K36,000.00.

The State v Rex Guilty plea – prisoner suspected victims of 6 years
Hekawi Tami CR stealing his money – pours kerosene and burned a
1590/2005, 23.03.06 dwelling house whilst under the influence of
alcohol – victim and family were asleep in the
house at the time.

The State v Bonifas Guilty plea – alleged infidelity of wife and victim 5 years
Bowa CR – prisoner went with an angry mob – dwelling
1930/2005, 23.03.06 house was burnt down and properties looted –
also convicted of stealing.

The State v Alfred Guilty plea – victim had smashed a beer bottle 5 years
Awesa CR over offender’s head – offender went to victim’s
1587/2005, 06.04.06 house armed with bush-knife – chased everyone
away and burned down the house.

The State v Oscar Trial – offenders were in a mob that attacked the 10 years
Rebon, Alken Rebon victim’s house late in the afternoon – terrorised
and Nautim Benal the victim and his family – burned down the
CR 29-31/2005, house and assaulted the victim.

The State v Jacob Trial – offender burned down two bush material 10 years
Patore CR 32/2005, houses and associated structures on land that he
27.03.07 owned – apparent motive was to remove
occupants of the houses as they were members of
an ethnic group involved in dispute with another
ethnic group living on the land – offences
committed late at night – owners of houses
inside, asleep.

The State v Mondo

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6 practice notes
  • The State v Samson Leila (Prisoner) (2012) N4770
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 24 August 2012
    ...custody. The balance of the term was wholly suspended with conditions including an order for restitution. 32. In The State v James Wakis (2008) N3426, the prisoner had a long-running dispute with his brother over the oil palm block which they shared and on which they had separate houses. He......
  • CR. 88 of 2012; The State v Langalen Yandan (No. 2) (2012) N4833
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 19 October 2012
    ...of 7 years with strict terms including the rebuilding of the buildings and replacing their contents. And Justice Cannings, in James Wakis (2008) N3426 and Bernard Bambai (2006) N3019, wholly suspended the sentences of 6 years and 3 years respectively with conditions that the accused were to......
  • The State v Matthew Balu & Bernard Kavanamur Balu (2011) N4362
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 3 August 2011
    ...the Court to the case of Emil Kongian and 7ors which was an appeal from the National Court, and the case of The State—v- James Wakis (2008) N3426. 17. The brief facts in Emil Kongian & 7ors -v- The State is that there was an ongoing land dispute between the appellant and the complainants. A......
  • The State v Mapi Mack (2010) N4100
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 9 August 2010
    ...v Sylvester Heai Evore (2006) N3236 Emil Kongian v The State (2007) SC928 The State v Yunati Epa (2008) N3309 The State v James Wakis (2008) N3426 SENTENCE 9 August, 2010 1. DAVID, J: The prisoner was indicted with two counts, one for attempting to unlawfully kill Steven Undula and Peamu En......
  • Request a trial to view additional results
6 cases
  • The State v Samson Leila (Prisoner) (2012) N4770
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 24 August 2012
    ...custody. The balance of the term was wholly suspended with conditions including an order for restitution. 32. In The State v James Wakis (2008) N3426, the prisoner had a long-running dispute with his brother over the oil palm block which they shared and on which they had separate houses. He......
  • CR. 88 of 2012; The State v Langalen Yandan (No. 2) (2012) N4833
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 19 October 2012
    ...of 7 years with strict terms including the rebuilding of the buildings and replacing their contents. And Justice Cannings, in James Wakis (2008) N3426 and Bernard Bambai (2006) N3019, wholly suspended the sentences of 6 years and 3 years respectively with conditions that the accused were to......
  • The State v Matthew Balu & Bernard Kavanamur Balu (2011) N4362
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 3 August 2011
    ...the Court to the case of Emil Kongian and 7ors which was an appeal from the National Court, and the case of The State—v- James Wakis (2008) N3426. 17. The brief facts in Emil Kongian & 7ors -v- The State is that there was an ongoing land dispute between the appellant and the complainants. A......
  • The State v Mapi Mack (2010) N4100
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 9 August 2010
    ...v Sylvester Heai Evore (2006) N3236 Emil Kongian v The State (2007) SC928 The State v Yunati Epa (2008) N3309 The State v James Wakis (2008) N3426 SENTENCE 9 August, 2010 1. DAVID, J: The prisoner was indicted with two counts, one for attempting to unlawfully kill Steven Undula and Peamu En......
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