William Dot Norman Parkop and James A Make v The State

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
JudgeJalina J, Sevua J, Kirriwom J
Judgment Date23 August 1999
Citation(1999) SC621
CourtSupreme Court
Judgement NumberSC621

Supreme Court: Jalina J, Sevua J, Kirriwom J

Judgment Delivered: 23 August 1999



(In the Supreme Court of Justice)

SCRA No. 59 of 1998






1999: 23 August

Case cited:

Jim Kas & Two Ors v The State — Unreported Supreme Court Decision of May or June 1999


N. Mivini for State/Respondent

Appellants in Person

23 August 1999


BY THE COURT: The Appellants were convicted and sentenced by the National Court in Mt Hagen to a term of ten (10) years each. When they appeared in the National Court, they all pleaded guilty to a charge of murder under s. 300 (1) of the Criminal Code. They admitted to killing one of their own clan brothers over a piece of land. It was a customary land owned by the clan but subject to some dispute between them. The appellant James Agamp Make admitted to hitting the deceased on the head with a coffee stick and he fell to the ground.

The Appellants William Dot and Norman Parkop admitted to chopping the deceased with their bush knives on his left thigh and on the right side of his back as the deceased was lying on the ground. The deceased lost a lot of blood from which he died. It was a little over a year ago when they were dealt with by the National Court on 24 July 1998.

They appealed against that decision and these are their grounds of appeal:

1. Defence Lawyer did not present their evidence.

2. Judge did not hear our grounds.

3. Sentence too excessive.

Their appeal is against both their conviction and sentence. The appeal was filed well within time and the question of leave does not apply. Neither does the question of leave on appeal against sentence apply according to the recent Supreme Court decision of Jim Kas and Two Others v The State — Unreported Supreme Court decision of May or June 1999.


This ground is not merited in any sense because the appellants had pleaded guilty to the charge of murder. There was therefore no need for the Court to hear any evidence either from them or from the prosecution.

If there was any evidence that the defence considered necessary to place before the Court on behalf of the appellants following their pleas of guilty, that could...

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2 practice notes
  • Manu Kovi v The State (2005) SC789
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • May 31, 2005
    ...years for killing husband's pregnant girlfriend by stabbing her on neck with knife); William Dot, Norman Parkop & James A Make v The State (1999) SC621 (10 years for group attack on deceased following land dispute using sticks and bushknife to cut leg and back)). 1. In a contested or uncont......
  • Ignatius Natu Pomaloh v The State (2006) SC834
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • April 27, 2006
    ...The State v Wesley Nobudi, John Lulu Evoa and Franky Yalikiti Fravo (2002) N2510 William Dot Norman Parkop and James A Make v The State (1999) SC621 Winugini Urugitaru v The Queen [1974] PNGLR 283 APPEAL This was an appeal against sentence for manslaughter and unlawful wounding. I N Pomaloh......
2 cases
  • Manu Kovi v The State (2005) SC789
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • May 31, 2005
    ...years for killing husband's pregnant girlfriend by stabbing her on neck with knife); William Dot, Norman Parkop & James A Make v The State (1999) SC621 (10 years for group attack on deceased following land dispute using sticks and bushknife to cut leg and back)). 1. In a contested or uncont......
  • Ignatius Natu Pomaloh v The State (2006) SC834
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • April 27, 2006
    ...The State v Wesley Nobudi, John Lulu Evoa and Franky Yalikiti Fravo (2002) N2510 William Dot Norman Parkop and James A Make v The State (1999) SC621 Winugini Urugitaru v The Queen [1974] PNGLR 283 APPEAL This was an appeal against sentence for manslaughter and unlawful wounding. I N Pomaloh......

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