The ultimate legal intelligence companion, vLex for Word

Save time, build better arguments, and significantly reduce the risk of errors with vLex for Word. This intelligent integration brings the unprecedented research power of vLex’s AI-supported legal research database directly into Word.

Check citations

Check citations in your documents and add links

Effortlessly locate and identify citations in your legal documents with vLex for Word. This advanced technology analyses your document to automatically detect cases, legislation, regulations, and other legal references. vLex will then create a link to those documents or the full text on vLex, if available.

Check citations in your documents and add links
Verify legal status

Stay confident

Verify legal status

Stay confident in the accuracy of your research and maintain the credibility of your work by keeping your legal citations up to date with vLex for Word.

Any authorities that have been given a negative treatment will include a red alert; vLex will warn you about cases that have been overruled, not followed, or distinguished by a subsequent authority. For select regions, legislation that has been repealed or is no longer in force is highlighted by a status indicator, so that you are aware of what is current law.

Improve your work

AI-powered Vincent recommendations

Discover related resources and enrich your research with vLex for Word's AI-powered recommendations from Vincent. Vincent is the intelligent legal research assistant that analyses your document and suggests relevant cases, legislation, and other legal materials based on its content. Vincent analyses the cited authorities within the text to recommend materials related to your legal research that are available on vLex, even if they haven’t been mentioned in the document.

Gain valuable insights, uncover hidden connections, and stay ahead of the curve with vLex for Word's cutting-edge AI capabilities.

AI-powered Vincent recommendations
Find related information in your own vLex Cloud folder

Vincent AI

Find related information in your own vLex Cloud folder

Vincent will also inform you of other documents in you vLex cloud folder with similar topics, to enable you to reduce the risk of missing important information and improve productivity.

Vincent AI

Supporting international research

vLex for Word can also help you identify related legal information from multiple jurisdictions, to ensure you can support persuasive and binding arguments.

Supporting international research

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Save time, build better arguments, and reduce the risk of errors with vLex for Word.

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