Online bespoke training
vLex provides full-service training all year round for large firms and educational institutions with training sessions and general webinars available upon request.
Training options
Departmental training
- Up to 60 minutes, in-depth overview of vLex, or up to 30 minute for a quick overview of vLex
- Tailored to departmental research and any areas of key legal focus
- Can be delivered over Teams and Zoom

Training options
Micro sessions
- Up to 5 minute long recordings, which can be viewed on-demand via a shared link
- Tailored to a research task or feature on the platform for your department
- Downloadable for internal use
Training options
General webinars
- Join vLex general webinars online
- These are tailored to your subscription and relevant to general legal research
- Up to 45 minutes long with a 10 minute Q+A

Contact us
To learn more about the training offered in your region, please contact your local team.