Danish Bank Account Required For Certain Permit Holders

Published date07 January 2021
Law FirmEnvoy Global, Inc.
AuthorMs Lucy Halse

Key Points

  • Certain permit holders must have their salaries deposited in a Danish bank account
  • The rules apply to Positive List permits and work permit schemes
  • Employees must register an address within 90 days of arrival to meet the requirements
  • The changes apply to all affected work permit applicants applying on or after January 1, 2021
  • New requirements also apply to dependents
  • Permit applications filed on or after January 1, 2021 must also comply with new minimum wages


Certain permit holders must have their salaries paid into a Danish bank account, including Positive List permits and all work permit schemes. New requirements also apply for dependents.

What are the Changes?

Individuals who received a Positive List permit on January 1, 2021 or later must now have their salary deposited in a Danish bank account. They must also register a Danish address within three months of arrival to meet the requirements.

The new requirement means that a Positive List permit holder's entire salary must now be deposited into his or her Danish bank account if the employee plans to stay in Denmark beyond 180 days. Previously, only an employee's earnings above the minimum salary could be paid in Denmark. Permit holders must also register a Danish address within 90 days of the permit's start date or after arriving in Denmark, whichever is later. To open a Danish bank account, employees must have either a permanent accommodation in Denmark or reserve a temporary accommodation for one-two months.

Dependents' work rights are also affected by the new rules. Dependents who are starting work in Denmark for the same employer as the principal permit holder, or who are...

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