Research & Development Tax Relief - Information Technology

Within the current economy, the role of Information Technology (IT) has taken centre stage in many business functions. In addition, a large number of firms have undertaken the development of their own IT systems (software/hardware) either as part of mainstream product development or as part of their effort to improve internal processes and operations. Consequently, activities such as software development are not just confined to software houses; indeed firms in the non-IT sectors such as finance, leisure and retail also develop their own software.

Is R&D for the "staff in lab coats"?

There is a common misconception that the term Research and Development (R&D) for tax relief purposes only relates to progressive 'blue sky' research activities. The latest Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) guidelines, published in March 2004, state that R&D for tax relief purposes takes place when a project seeks to achieve an advance in science or technology. This widens the scope of activities...

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