The Register Of Persons Holding A Controlled Interest In Land

Published date15 April 2022
Law FirmShepherd and Wedderburn LLP
AuthorMr Hamish Lean

It has long been a concern in Scotland that there is a lack of transparency about the ownership of land. The Register of Persons Holding a Controlled Interest in Land (RCI) is a new register intended to improve transparency of ownership and overall control of land and buildings in Scotland. The register became operational on 1 April 2022.

Despite the connection to land, it is not a property register: it is to be a register of persons - in particular persons who, while not holding title to the land, actually influence or control decision making about the use, management or development of that land. 'Land' for this purpose includes buildings and other structures, land covered with water and the seabed. Tenants under long leases of land can be affected as well. Not all owners or tenants of land will be required to register and there are a number of exemptions.


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