The State v Elis Nema Mara (2010) N4133

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Date23 September 2010
Citation(2010) N4133
Docket NumberCR NO 33 OF 2009
CourtNational Court

Full Title: CR NO 33 OF 2009; The State v Elis Nema Mara (2010) N4133

National Court: Makail, J

Judgment Delivered: 23 September 2010

CRIMINAL LAW - Plea - Sentence - Manslaughter - Domestic setting - Prisoner - Wife - Victim - De-facto partner of prisoner’s husband - Presence of strong de-facto provocation - Prevalence of offence - Custodial sentence appropriate - Personal and public deterrence - 12 years imprisonment imposed less time spent in pre-sentence custody - Criminal Code, Ch 262 - s19 & s302.

Cases cited:

The State v Josephine Las Ninjipa (2010) N4135; The State v Anita Kelly (2009) N3624; Manu Kovi v The State (2005) SC789; The State v Carol Alfred (2009) N3602; The State v Lossy Karapus (2009) N3640


23rd September, 2010

1. MAKAIL, J: The prisoner is from Keltiga village in Mt Hagen Central and has pleaded guilty to killing another woman at Kuipul village in Aviamp on the night of 12th September 2008 contrary to section 302 of the Criminal Code, Ch 262. She found her husband and the deceased together and fought with the deceased. The deceased was armed with a kitchen knife and she wrestled it from her. She stabbed her on the right back and the kitchen knife penetrated the back and punctured the right lung. The deceased lost a lot of blood and died. The offence carries a prescribed maximum penalty of life imprisonment. However, the Court is given wide discretion to impose a lesser penalty by virtue of its powers under s19 of the Criminal Code, Ch 262.

2. I have considered the facts and submissions of both counsel, including the prisoner’s statement on her allocutus and I think this is a straight forward case. Earlier this morning, I delivered a decision on sentence the case of The State -v- Josephine Las Ninjipa: CR No 1314 of 2009 (Unnumbered & Unreported Judgment of 23rd September 2010). It was a killing from a domestic setting like in this case. I will repeat what I said in that case here for the...

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2 practice notes
  • State v Mavis Uraro (2012) N5164
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 26 Noviembre 2012
    ...v The State (2008) SC1017; The State v Lossy Karapus (2009) N3640; The State v Anita Kelly (2009) N3624; The State v Elis Nema Mara (2010) N4133 JUDGMENT ON SENTENCE 1. Toliken AJ. On the 09th of August 2012, Mavis Uraro pleaded guilty to the murder of Anna Komane on the 29th of July 2011 a......
  • Olivia Warome v The State (2020) SC1991
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 27 Agosto 2020
    ...Court cases (State v Julie Rex – CR No. 1210 of 2016; State v Tuma (2017) N6618; State v Regina Jako (2010) N4110 and State v Mara (2010) N4133),which we admit, the facts in those cases are very similar to the present case, his Honour concluded that the appropriate sentencing range is betwe......
2 cases
  • State v Mavis Uraro (2012) N5164
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 26 Noviembre 2012
    ...v The State (2008) SC1017; The State v Lossy Karapus (2009) N3640; The State v Anita Kelly (2009) N3624; The State v Elis Nema Mara (2010) N4133 JUDGMENT ON SENTENCE 1. Toliken AJ. On the 09th of August 2012, Mavis Uraro pleaded guilty to the murder of Anna Komane on the 29th of July 2011 a......
  • Olivia Warome v The State (2020) SC1991
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 27 Agosto 2020
    ...Court cases (State v Julie Rex – CR No. 1210 of 2016; State v Tuma (2017) N6618; State v Regina Jako (2010) N4110 and State v Mara (2010) N4133),which we admit, the facts in those cases are very similar to the present case, his Honour concluded that the appropriate sentencing range is betwe......

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