The State v Sumbiako Wapuko (2003) N2444

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation(2003) N2444
Date31 July 2003
CourtNational Court

Full Title: The State v Sumbiako Wapuko (2003) N2444

National Court: Jalina J

Judgment Delivered: 31 July 2003

1 Criminal Law—Murder—Sentence—Plea of Guilty to chopping deceased several times with bush knife—First Offender—Failure by persons other than deceased to pay compensation ordered by Village Court for someone other than deceased chopping off brother's arm at wrist which led to prisoner attacking deceased—Deceased an innocent party—Criminal Code s300.

2 Lawrence Simbe v The State [1994] PNGLR 38, The State v Peter John Plesman (1997) N1657, The State v Haihavu Kori Kaiks (Unnumbered and Unreported National Court Judgment of Los J dated 21 April 1998), Jeffrey Harold Malepo v The State (Unnumbered and Unreported Supreme Court Judgment dated 13 December 2000), Sap James Kumbapen v The State (SCRA 14 of 2001, Unnumbered and Unreported Supreme Court judgment dated 26 April 2001), The State v Kore Ase (2001) N2220 and The State v Peter Korak Siwi (2003) N2443 referred to


Jalina J: You have pleaded guilty to a charge that on 30 August 2002 at Kikita village, in the Tari area of the Southern Highlands Province you murdered one Andiki Talipe.

The facts of this case are that about 2 pm on the date in question, you approached the deceased while he was telling stories with a number of people and attacked him with a bushknife cutting him on his body several times. The deceased and...

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2 practice notes
  • Manu Kovi v The State (2005) SC789
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 31 May 2005
    ...for repeated attack on wife with hands and firewood inflicting head, neck and spinal injuries until she died); State v Sambiako Wapuko (2003) N2444 (20 years for revenge attack by chopping head and legs with bushknife and killing innocent man because his clansmen failed to pay compensation ......
  • The State v Michael Rende (2013) N5220
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 14 May 2013
    ...& Unnumbered Judgment dated 13 June 1997 The State v Kore Ase (2001) N2220 Max Java v The State (2002) SC701 The State v Sumbiako Wapuko (2003) N2444 Joseph Enn v The State (2004) SC738 Sakarowa Koe v The State (2004) SC739 Kepa Wanege v The State (2004) SC742 Manu Kovi v The State (2005) S......
2 cases
  • Manu Kovi v The State (2005) SC789
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 31 May 2005
    ...for repeated attack on wife with hands and firewood inflicting head, neck and spinal injuries until she died); State v Sambiako Wapuko (2003) N2444 (20 years for revenge attack by chopping head and legs with bushknife and killing innocent man because his clansmen failed to pay compensation ......
  • The State v Michael Rende (2013) N5220
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 14 May 2013
    ...& Unnumbered Judgment dated 13 June 1997 The State v Kore Ase (2001) N2220 Max Java v The State (2002) SC701 The State v Sumbiako Wapuko (2003) N2444 Joseph Enn v The State (2004) SC738 Sakarowa Koe v The State (2004) SC739 Kepa Wanege v The State (2004) SC742 Manu Kovi v The State (2005) S......

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