The State v Eddie Trosty (2004) N2681

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation(2004) N2681
Date10 September 2004
CourtNational Court

Full Title: The State v Eddie Trosty (2004) N2681

National Court: Kandakasi J

Judgment Delivered: 10 September 2004

1 CRIMINAL LAW—Sentence—Particular offence—Sexual penetration of girl under 16 years—Several instances of—Change in legislation increasing penalty—Purpose and effect on sentencing discretion—Sentence has to be beyond maximum limits under old provision—Guilty plea by first time offender—No Expression of remorse and sympathy not genuine—Sentence of 5 years imprisonment imposed.

2 The State v Sottie Apusa [1988–89] PNGLR 170, The State v Peter Yawoma (2001) N2032, The State v Attiock Ishmel (2001) N2294, The State v Jason Dongoma (2000) N2038, The State v Damien Mangawi (2003) N2419, The State v Peter Lare (2004) N2557, The State v Kenny Reuben Irowen [2002] PNGLR 190, The State v Amos Kiap (2003) N2452, Rudy Yekat v The State [2000] PNGLR 225 referred to

Decision On Sentence


Kandakasi J: You pleaded guilty to a charge of sexual penetration of a child under the age of 15 years who I will only refer to as the victim between 1 April and 30 August 2003, at Western Island, here in Lorengau, Manus Province. The charge was under s229A(1) of the Criminal Code.


The facts giving rise to the charge are these. You came to know the victim in December 2002, when you took her for the first time to Felix Tonam's house in Pateku village. There you took her to a room and tried to have consensual sexual intercourse with her. Unfortunately, you did not succeed because your penis could not penetrate her vagina. Thereafter however, between April and August 2003, you took her to the same place about five times and successfully had sexual intercourse of her with her consent. This could have continued but for the victim's father's intervention.

There is no evidence, of any physical or other injury because of the sexual penetrations of her. There is also no evidence of anything being done to compensate the victim and her relatives. You do not speak of any plans to do something about it in...

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45 practice notes
  • The State v James Yali (2006) N2989
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • January 1, 2006
    ...Kopal (2004) N2778, The State v Donald Angavia & Others (2004) N2590, The State v Donald Poni (2004) N2663, The State v Eddie Trosty (2004) N2681, The State v Eki Kondi and 4 Others (No 2) (2004) N2543, The State v Ezra Hiviki (No 2) (2004) N2548, The State v Flotyme Sina (No 2) (2004) N254......
  • The State v Brown Kawage (2009) N3696
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • June 10, 2009
    ...v Pennias Mokei (No 2) (2004) N2635; The State v Ezra Hiviki (2004) N2548; The State v Peter Lare (2004) N2557; The State v Eddie Trosty (2004) N2681; The State v Kemai Lumou (2004) N2684; The State v John Ritsi Kutetoa (2005) N2814; State v Thomas Angup (2005) N2830; The State v Stanely Sa......
  • State v Binga Thomas (2005) N2828
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • May 2, 2005
    ...v Kenneth Peter (2002) N2336, The State v Miseal Butemo [1984] PNGLR 62, John Aubuka v State [1987] PNGLR 267, The State v Eddie Trosty (2004) N2681, R v Ebulya [1964] PNGLR 200, SCR No 2 of 1981; Re S19(1)(f) Criminal Code [1982] PNGLR 150, Koniel Alar and Hosea Biu v The State [1979] PNGL......
  • The State v Jonathan Sepo (2013) N5079
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • February 20, 2013
    ...Kaminiel Okole (2006) N3052; The State v Pennias Mokei (No 2) (2004) N2635; The State v Kemai Lumou (2004) N2684; The State v Eddie Trosty (2004) N2681; The State v Biason Benson Samson (2005) N2799; The State v Titus Soumi (2005) N2809; The State v George Taunde (2005) N2807; The State v J......
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45 cases
  • The State v James Yali (2006) N2989
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • January 1, 2006
    ...Kopal (2004) N2778, The State v Donald Angavia & Others (2004) N2590, The State v Donald Poni (2004) N2663, The State v Eddie Trosty (2004) N2681, The State v Eki Kondi and 4 Others (No 2) (2004) N2543, The State v Ezra Hiviki (No 2) (2004) N2548, The State v Flotyme Sina (No 2) (2004) N254......
  • The State v Brown Kawage (2009) N3696
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • June 10, 2009
    ...v Pennias Mokei (No 2) (2004) N2635; The State v Ezra Hiviki (2004) N2548; The State v Peter Lare (2004) N2557; The State v Eddie Trosty (2004) N2681; The State v Kemai Lumou (2004) N2684; The State v John Ritsi Kutetoa (2005) N2814; State v Thomas Angup (2005) N2830; The State v Stanely Sa......
  • State v Binga Thomas (2005) N2828
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • May 2, 2005
    ...v Kenneth Peter (2002) N2336, The State v Miseal Butemo [1984] PNGLR 62, John Aubuka v State [1987] PNGLR 267, The State v Eddie Trosty (2004) N2681, R v Ebulya [1964] PNGLR 200, SCR No 2 of 1981; Re S19(1)(f) Criminal Code [1982] PNGLR 150, Koniel Alar and Hosea Biu v The State [1979] PNGL......
  • The State v Jonathan Sepo (2013) N5079
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • February 20, 2013
    ...Kaminiel Okole (2006) N3052; The State v Pennias Mokei (No 2) (2004) N2635; The State v Kemai Lumou (2004) N2684; The State v Eddie Trosty (2004) N2681; The State v Biason Benson Samson (2005) N2799; The State v Titus Soumi (2005) N2809; The State v George Taunde (2005) N2807; The State v J......
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