The State v James Makario (1990) N862

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation(1990) N862
Date24 May 1990
CourtNational Court

Full Title: The State v James Makario (1990) N862

National Court: Jalina AJ

Judgment Delivered: 24 May 1990

1 CRIMINAL LAW—Misappropriation—Application of monies for the use of another—Monies applied for purpose allocated—No evidence that it was not so applied—Strict proof required of such application.

On a charge that the accused dishonestly applied to the use of another person property belonging to another, and for false pretences.


(1) As the application of property of another to the use of another person is an essential element of an offence under s383A(1)(a) of the Criminal Code, in addition to the element of dishonesty, it must be strictly proved that the property was used or applied for the use of no other person than the person specified in the indictment.

(2) In the absence of evidence showing that no other person than the person specified the indictment used the money, an accused person is entitled to be acquitted.

(3) The accused is accordingly found not guilty on the first count.

(4) At the time he introduced the Chairman and Committee members specified in the indictment and opened an account in the name of Koruava Community School (Panialavava) he knew that there was no Community School at Panialavava and that the persons he introduced were not duly elected members of the Board of Management.

(5) The accused is accordingly found guilty on the second count.


Jalina AJ: The accused has been charged with the following counts:

1st Count

That he between 17 April 1985 and 5 September 1985 at Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea, dishonestly applied to the use of another, Makario Kaita Kau, Four Thousand Kina (K4,000.00), the property of the Central Provincial Government.

2nd Count

That he on 17 January 1987 at Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea by falsely pretending to one, ROGER GALT of ANZ Banking Group (PNG) Limited that one Makario Kaita Kau was the Chairman of Koruava Community School and Kuvari Kuve, Hauhum Moimo and Larrina Mana were Committee Members of the Board of Management of the said school induced ROGER GALT to deliver to JAMES MAKARIO, the said Chairman and the said Committee Members of the said Community School the sum of Three Thousand and Eight Kina (K3,008.00) with intent to defraud.

3rd Count

That he between 20 January 1987 and 16 February 1987 at Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea, dishonestly applied to the use of another Makario Kaita Kau, Two Thousand Five Hundred and Eight Kina (K2,508.00), the property of the Central Provincial...

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4 practice notes
  • The State v Tom Kakawi, Rosina Kuru Terry, Terry Kuru and Alfred Pupia (2002) N2229
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 26 Febrero 2002
    ...PNGLR 183, The State v Francis Natuwohala Laumadava [1994] PNGLR 291, The State v Napilye Kuri [1994] PNGLR 371, The State v James Makario (1990) N862, R v Angie–Ogun [1969–70] PNGLR 36, Allan Oa Koroka v The State [1988–89] PNGLR 131, Paulus Pawa v The State [1981] PNGLR 498, The State v T......
  • State v Mark Mauludu (2014) N5566
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 4 Abril 2014
    ...Kamin (2008) N3990 Brian Kindi Lawi v The State [1987] PNGLR 183 The State v. Paul Asakusa (No 1) (2010) N4056 The State v. James Makario (1990) N862 1. SALIKA DCJ: Introduction: The Accused was indicted with two (2) counts of the offence of Misappropriation contrary to s.383A (1) (a) and (......
  • the State v Andrew Epei; CR NO 1007 OF 2008; The State v Francis Ipuke (No 2) (2010) N3992
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 24 Marzo 2010
    ...[1994] PNGLR 371; Brian Kindi Lawi v The State [1987] PNGLR 183; The State v Gabriel Ramoi [1993] PNGLR 390; The State v James Makario (1990) N862 RULING ON NO CASE SUBMISSION 24th March, 2010 1. MAKAIL, J: At the close of the State’s case on 22nd March 2010, in relation to a charge of misa......
  • The State v Achilles James Peni
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 5 Diciembre 2013
    ...The cases of Brian Kindi Lawi v The State [1987] PNGLR 582, The State v Gabriel Ramoi [1993] PNGLR 390, and The State v James Makario (1990) N862, amongst many others, emphasize these principles. 211. In the present case, as I understood the submissions of counsel for the accused, he only t......
4 cases
  • The State v Tom Kakawi, Rosina Kuru Terry, Terry Kuru and Alfred Pupia (2002) N2229
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 26 Febrero 2002
    ...PNGLR 183, The State v Francis Natuwohala Laumadava [1994] PNGLR 291, The State v Napilye Kuri [1994] PNGLR 371, The State v James Makario (1990) N862, R v Angie–Ogun [1969–70] PNGLR 36, Allan Oa Koroka v The State [1988–89] PNGLR 131, Paulus Pawa v The State [1981] PNGLR 498, The State v T......
  • State v Mark Mauludu (2014) N5566
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 4 Abril 2014
    ...Kamin (2008) N3990 Brian Kindi Lawi v The State [1987] PNGLR 183 The State v. Paul Asakusa (No 1) (2010) N4056 The State v. James Makario (1990) N862 1. SALIKA DCJ: Introduction: The Accused was indicted with two (2) counts of the offence of Misappropriation contrary to s.383A (1) (a) and (......
  • the State v Andrew Epei; CR NO 1007 OF 2008; The State v Francis Ipuke (No 2) (2010) N3992
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 24 Marzo 2010
    ...[1994] PNGLR 371; Brian Kindi Lawi v The State [1987] PNGLR 183; The State v Gabriel Ramoi [1993] PNGLR 390; The State v James Makario (1990) N862 RULING ON NO CASE SUBMISSION 24th March, 2010 1. MAKAIL, J: At the close of the State’s case on 22nd March 2010, in relation to a charge of misa......
  • The State v Achilles James Peni
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 5 Diciembre 2013
    ...The cases of Brian Kindi Lawi v The State [1987] PNGLR 582, The State v Gabriel Ramoi [1993] PNGLR 390, and The State v James Makario (1990) N862, amongst many others, emphasize these principles. 211. In the present case, as I understood the submissions of counsel for the accused, he only t......

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