The State v Janet Morgan (2004) N2704

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation(2004) N2704
Date17 August 2004
CourtNational Court

Full Title: The State v Janet Morgan (2004) N2704

National Court: Lenalia J

Judgment Delivered: 17 August 2004

1 Criminal Law—Stealing—Guilty plea—Matters for consideration—Sentence—Criminal Code (Ch262), s372(1) and (7)

2 Wellington Belawa v The State [1988–89] PNGLR 496, The State v Johnson Nena Mejonaik [Menjonaik] CR No 445 of 2004 referred to


Lenalia J: The accused is charged that between 29 October and 1 November 2000 at Mendi, she being a servant of MSS Trading Ltd stole a sum of K8,772.01 being the monies of her employer. The charge is laid pursuant to s372(1) and (7) of the Criminal Code.

On arraignment, the accused pleaded guilty.

The agreed facts are that at the relevant time and period, the accused was employed as an Accounts Clerk by the MSS Trading Limited. Her duty statement included receiving monies, maintaining expenditure records, compilation of staff wages and doing banking for the company. The State says that whilst in the course of her employment between 29 October and 1 November 2000, the accused failed to do banking for three (3) days takings.

The manager of MSS Trading Ltd based in Mendi said, he invited another company employee Mr Mark Sackman to investigate some discrepancies in the company's accounting records. After their investigation, Mr Kerowa suggested to the manager that, they needed a current bank statement to...

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2 practice notes
  • The State v Simon Paul Korai (2009) N3820
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • December 18, 2009
    ...Peraki (2003) N2463; The State v Romney Naptelai Simonopa (2004) N2551; The State v Allan Nareti (2004) N2582; The State v Janet Morgan (2004) N2704; The State v. Ian Sevevepa, CR No. 2007 of 2005, Unreported Judgment of Lenalia, J delivered on 10 May 2006; The State v Jack Maite (2007) N32......
  • The State v Sylvia Gabriel & Sarufa Akia (2019) N8024
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • August 23, 2019
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2 cases
  • The State v Simon Paul Korai (2009) N3820
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • December 18, 2009
    ...Peraki (2003) N2463; The State v Romney Naptelai Simonopa (2004) N2551; The State v Allan Nareti (2004) N2582; The State v Janet Morgan (2004) N2704; The State v. Ian Sevevepa, CR No. 2007 of 2005, Unreported Judgment of Lenalia, J delivered on 10 May 2006; The State v Jack Maite (2007) N32......
  • The State v Sylvia Gabriel & Sarufa Akia (2019) N8024
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • August 23, 2019
    ...38 Sanawi v The State (2010) SC1076 The State v Tardrew [1986] PNGLR 91 The State v Frank Kagai [1987] PNGLR 320 The State v Janet Morgan (2004) N2704 The State v Wilmot (2005) N2857 The State v Niso (No 2) (2005) N2930 The State v Philip Wiamai (2007) N5492 The State v Yannam (2008) N3958 ......

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