The State v Benson Likius (2004) N2518

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation(2004) N2518
Date08 March 2004
CourtNational Court

Full Title: The State v Benson Likius (2004) N2518

National Court: Lenalia J

Judgment Delivered: 8 March 2004

1 Criminal Law—Misappropriation—Plea—Matters for consideration—Sentence—Criminal Code (Ch262) s383A(2)(b).

2 Wellington Belawa v The State [1988–89] PNGLR 496, The State v Paroa Kaia (1995) N1401, Brian Kindi Lawi v The State [1987] PNGLR 183, The State v Napilye Kuri [1994] PNGLR 371 referred to


Lenalia J: The prisoner pleaded guilty to one count of misappropriating a sum of K68,679.06 the property of the Lihir Management Company an offence against s383A(2)(b) of the Criminal Code.

The prisoner, Benson Likius (Benson for convenience) was employed by the Lihir Management Company in the New Ireland Province as a Payroll personnel. His employment history dates back to 1990 with the company and it started in Rabaul before the twin volcanic eruptions in 1994. The State say that between 25 February 1998 and 15 November, 2000, Benson devised a scheme to commit the offence he is charged with. An ex–employee of that company Harry Toruore was terminated by the company administration on 2 October 1997. Quite orderly, that ex–employee's name was deleted from the company payroll.

However, Benson being a company payroll officer himself set his hands on the records and re–activated Harry's name into the company payroll. After reactivation of Harry's name...

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13 practice notes
  • The State v Mahuva Jimmy and Uta Helisha (2004) N2632
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 2 September 2004
    ...State [1988–89] PNGLR 496, James Mora Meaoa v The State [1996] PNGLR 280, The State v Paroa Kaia (1995) N1401, The State v Benson Likius (2004) N2518, Public Prosecutor v Don Hale (1998) SC564, The State v Jamie Campbell Fereka (2003) N2359 referred to ___________________________ Kandakasi ......
  • The State v Ruth Mamando (2008) N3709
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 22 April 2008
    ...CR 722/1999, Unreported Judgment, 30 May 2002; The State v Daniel Mapiria, Unreported Judgment, 01 October 2004; The State v Benson Likius (2004) N2518; The State v Allan Nareti (2004) N2582; The State v Nerrius Boas (2004) N2608; The State v Johnson Bale (2004) N2626; The State v Lukeson O......
  • The State v Steven Luva (2010) N3909
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 2 March 2010
    ...v The State (2001) PNGLR 6; The State v Robert Kawin (2001) N2167; The State v Andrew Ludwig Posai (2004) N2618; The State v Benson Likius (2004) N2518; The State v Timothy Tio (2002) N2265; The State v Lukeson Olewale (2004) N2758 2nd March, 2010 1. LENALIA, J. The prisoner pleaded guilty ......
  • The State v Bill Saun Daniel (2005) N3502
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 22 December 2005
    ...The State v Ansong Ising (2005) N2994; The State v Makeu Kig (2001) N2177; The State v Saul Ogerem (2004) N2780; The State v Benson Likius (2004) N2518; The State v Raphael Kimba Aki (No 2) (2001) N2082; Allan Peter Utieng v The State (2000) SCR No 15 of 2000 1. KANDAKASI J: You pleaded gui......
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13 cases
  • The State v Mahuva Jimmy and Uta Helisha (2004) N2632
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 2 September 2004
    ...State [1988–89] PNGLR 496, James Mora Meaoa v The State [1996] PNGLR 280, The State v Paroa Kaia (1995) N1401, The State v Benson Likius (2004) N2518, Public Prosecutor v Don Hale (1998) SC564, The State v Jamie Campbell Fereka (2003) N2359 referred to ___________________________ Kandakasi ......
  • The State v Ruth Mamando (2008) N3709
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 22 April 2008
    ...CR 722/1999, Unreported Judgment, 30 May 2002; The State v Daniel Mapiria, Unreported Judgment, 01 October 2004; The State v Benson Likius (2004) N2518; The State v Allan Nareti (2004) N2582; The State v Nerrius Boas (2004) N2608; The State v Johnson Bale (2004) N2626; The State v Lukeson O......
  • The State v Steven Luva (2010) N3909
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 2 March 2010
    ...v The State (2001) PNGLR 6; The State v Robert Kawin (2001) N2167; The State v Andrew Ludwig Posai (2004) N2618; The State v Benson Likius (2004) N2518; The State v Timothy Tio (2002) N2265; The State v Lukeson Olewale (2004) N2758 2nd March, 2010 1. LENALIA, J. The prisoner pleaded guilty ......
  • The State v Bill Saun Daniel (2005) N3502
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 22 December 2005
    ...The State v Ansong Ising (2005) N2994; The State v Makeu Kig (2001) N2177; The State v Saul Ogerem (2004) N2780; The State v Benson Likius (2004) N2518; The State v Raphael Kimba Aki (No 2) (2001) N2082; Allan Peter Utieng v The State (2000) SCR No 15 of 2000 1. KANDAKASI J: You pleaded gui......
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