Vincent Kaupa and Hon Charles Abel as Minister for Culture & Tourism v Simon Poraituk and Trustees of the National Museum & Art Gallery (2008) SC955

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
CourtSupreme Court
Date10 December 2008
Citation(2008) SC955
Docket NumberSCA NO. 118 of 2007

Full Title: SCA NO. 118 of 2007; Vincent Kaupa and Hon Charles Abel as Minister for Culture & Tourism v Simon Poraituk and Trustees of the National Museum & Art Gallery (2008) SC955

Supreme Court: Kirriwom, Lay and Gabi JJ.

Judgment Delivered: 10 December 2008

APPEAL – Supreme Court Act – s14 (3) – Application for leave to appeal against stay order – Stay order is not an injunctive order – leave is required

Cases Cited

Boyepe Pere v Ningi [2003] PNGLR 58; Chief Collector of Taxes v Bougainville Copper Ltd (2007) SC853; Gary McHardy v Prosec Security and Communication Ltd [2000] PNGLR 279; Oio Aba v MVIL (2005) SC779; Peter Makeng v Timbers (PNG) Limited (2008) N3317; The State v John Talu Tekwie (2006) SC843

1. BY THE COURT: Introduction: Simon Poraituk and the Trustees of the National Museum & Art Gallery applied for judicial review of the National Executive Council (NEC) decision to suspend Simon Poraituk as Director of the National Museum & Art Gallery and appoint Vincent Kaupa as Acting Director. The National Court granted leave and ordered a stay of the NEC decision to suspend Simon Poraituk as Director and appoint Vincent Kaupa as Acting Director.

2. Vincent Kaupa and Charles Abel applied for leave to appeal the National Court decision to stay the NEC decision. Simon Poraituk and the Trustees of the National Museum & Art Gallery objected to the competency of the application for leave to...

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7 practice notes
  • Henganofi Development Corporation Limited v Public Officers Superannuation Fund Board (2010) SC1025
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • May 3, 2010
    ...Aba v MVIL (2005) SC779; Ramsey Lester Pitaro v The State (2006) SC846; Paul Bari v John Raim (2004) SC768; Vincent Kaupa v Simon Poraituk (2008) SC955; Jeffrey Turia v Gabriel Nelson (2008) SC949; Wahgi Savings and Loan Society Ltd v Bank of South Pacific Ltd (1980) SC185; Dillingham Corpo......
  • Belden Namah v Justice Goodwin Poole
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • November 20, 2015
    ...v Aoae [1982] PNGLR 379 Tarsie v MCC (2010) N4141 The Papua Club Inc v Nusaum Holdings Ltd [2002] PNGLR 230 Vincent Kaupa v Simon Poraituk (2008) SC955 Zachary Gelu v Sir Michael Somare MP (2008) N3526 NOTICE OF MOTION This was an application for addition of a party, leave to amend an origi......
  • Sam Koim v Hon. Peter O'Neil
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • July 28, 2014
    ...State of Papua New Guinea v. Phillip Kapal [1987] PNGLR 417 Tiensten v. Koim [2011] PGNC 127; N4420 Vincent Kaupa v. Simon Poraituk (2008) SC955 Water Board v. National Capital District Interim Commission (1990) N864 Yama Group of Companies Ltd v. PNG Power Ltd (2005) N2831 Overseas Cases c......
  • Chin-Sik Son and Others v Nick Roniotis as Honorary Consul of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea to the Hellenic Republic of Greece and Others
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • May 15, 2023
    ...the judgment: Chan v Ombudsman Commission [1999] PNGLR 240 Joseph v Sereva (2011) SC1152 Kalinoe v Paraka (2010) SC1024 Kaupa v Poraituk (2008) SC955 Liu v Emoto (2009) SC1032 Makeng v Timbers (PNG) Ltd (2008) N3317 Mirupasi v Bonou (2009) SC1049 Oberia v Charlie (2005) SC801 Pako F & C Hol......
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7 cases
  • Henganofi Development Corporation Limited v Public Officers Superannuation Fund Board (2010) SC1025
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • May 3, 2010
    ...Aba v MVIL (2005) SC779; Ramsey Lester Pitaro v The State (2006) SC846; Paul Bari v John Raim (2004) SC768; Vincent Kaupa v Simon Poraituk (2008) SC955; Jeffrey Turia v Gabriel Nelson (2008) SC949; Wahgi Savings and Loan Society Ltd v Bank of South Pacific Ltd (1980) SC185; Dillingham Corpo......
  • Belden Namah v Justice Goodwin Poole
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • November 20, 2015
    ...v Aoae [1982] PNGLR 379 Tarsie v MCC (2010) N4141 The Papua Club Inc v Nusaum Holdings Ltd [2002] PNGLR 230 Vincent Kaupa v Simon Poraituk (2008) SC955 Zachary Gelu v Sir Michael Somare MP (2008) N3526 NOTICE OF MOTION This was an application for addition of a party, leave to amend an origi......
  • Sam Koim v Hon. Peter O'Neil
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • July 28, 2014
    ...State of Papua New Guinea v. Phillip Kapal [1987] PNGLR 417 Tiensten v. Koim [2011] PGNC 127; N4420 Vincent Kaupa v. Simon Poraituk (2008) SC955 Water Board v. National Capital District Interim Commission (1990) N864 Yama Group of Companies Ltd v. PNG Power Ltd (2005) N2831 Overseas Cases c......
  • Chin-Sik Son and Others v Nick Roniotis as Honorary Consul of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea to the Hellenic Republic of Greece and Others
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • May 15, 2023
    ...the judgment: Chan v Ombudsman Commission [1999] PNGLR 240 Joseph v Sereva (2011) SC1152 Kalinoe v Paraka (2010) SC1024 Kaupa v Poraituk (2008) SC955 Liu v Emoto (2009) SC1032 Makeng v Timbers (PNG) Ltd (2008) N3317 Mirupasi v Bonou (2009) SC1049 Oberia v Charlie (2005) SC801 Pako F & C Hol......
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