Joe Kerowa v Motor Vehicles Insurance Limited (2010) SC1100

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Date18 November 2010
Citation(2010) SC1100
Docket NumberSCA 14 OF 2010
CourtSupreme Court

Full Title: SCA 14 OF 2010; Joe Kerowa v Motor Vehicles Insurance Limited (2010) SC1100

Supreme Court: Kirriwom, Gabi & Hartshorn JJ

Judgment Delivered: 18 November 2010

APPEAL—estoppel—s54 (6) Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance) Act—whether estoppel able to be invoked in respect of a statutory condition precedent


The Appellant, Mr. Joe Kerowa, appeals against the dismissal of his National Court proceeding against the Defendant, Motor Vehicles Insurance Ltd (MVIL). The proceeding sought damages for personal injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident. The proceeding was dismissed as it was found that the Appellant had failed to provide to MVIL the requisite notice of intention to make a claim pursuant to s54 (6) Motor Vehicles (Third Party Insurance) Act.


An estoppel cannot be invoked in respect of a statutory condition precedent. The appeal is dismissed. The Appellant shall pay the Respondent’s costs of and incidental to this appeal.

Cases cited:

Papua New Guinea Cases

Graham Rundle v MVIT [1988] PNGLR 20

Paul Kumba v Motor Vehicles Insurance (PNG) Trust (2001) N2132

MVIL v Sanage Kuri (2006) SC825

Overseas Cases

Bataman v Hunt (1904) 2 KB 530; Hughes v Metropolitan Railway Co. (1877)...

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