Papua New Banking Corporation v Barra Amevo and Bari Investments t/a Kainantu Pharmacy, Lennie Aparima and Orito Aparima [1998] PNGLR 240

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
CourtNational Court
Citation[1998] PNGLR 240
Date26 May 1998

Full Title: Papua New Banking Corporation v Barra Amevo and Bari Investments t/a Kainantu Pharmacy, Lennie Aparima and Orito Aparima [1998] PNGLR 240

National Court: Sevua J

Judgment Delivered: 26 May 1998

1 Real Property—Mortgage—Mortgagor's default—Mortgagee's right to foreclosure—Power of sale or possession—Statutory rights—Land Registration Act (Ch191)

2 Mortgage—Rights and obligations—Third party claiming interest on mortgaged property—Privity of contract—Whether third party has legal right or interest.

3 Bank of PNG v Muteng Basa [1992] PNGLR 271 applied.


(1) The mortgagor's impecuniosity does not preclude the mortgagee bank from exercising its right under the terms of the mortgage and the statutory rights conferred by the Land Registration Act (Ch191).

(2) The second defendant's interest which is not legal and unregistered, does not preclude the plaintiff from exercising its right to foreclosure under the terms of the mortgage and the provisions of the Land Registration Act (Ch191) to possess or sell the property.

(3) The second defendant, is not a party to the mortgage contract therefore has no valid claim in law against the plaintiff. The doctrine of privity of contract confers no right or imposes no obligation to the second defendant.

(4) The second defendant is not entitled in law to specific performance of a contract which he is not a party to.

(5) The arrangement between the first and second defendant did not constitute a legal binding contract enforceable in law, there being no executed contract of sale and transfer and ministerial approval.

(6) The second defendant's interest is only an equitable interest which does not entitle him to the legal title of the property without a formal contract of sale and transfer.

(7) The plaintiff, by law, and pursuant to the terms of the mortgage is entitled to foreclose on the property and has rights conferred by statute and the terms of the mortgage to possession and sale.


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14 practice notes
  • Westpac Bank PNG Ltd v John Sambeok
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 4 November 2014
    ...(2004) N2738 Negiso Investments Ltd v PNGBC (2003) N2439 Pija Grannies Ltd v Rural Development Bank Ltd (2011) SC1327 PNGBC v Bara Amevo [1998] PNGLR 240 PNGBC v Pala Aruai [2002] PNGLR 159 Rage Augerea v Bank South Pacific Ltd (2007) SC869 Samuel Aiye Nema v Rural Development Bank Ltd (201......
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    • Supreme Court
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    • National Court
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    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
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  • Request a trial to view additional results
14 cases
  • Westpac Bank PNG Ltd v John Sambeok
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 4 November 2014
    ...(2004) N2738 Negiso Investments Ltd v PNGBC (2003) N2439 Pija Grannies Ltd v Rural Development Bank Ltd (2011) SC1327 PNGBC v Bara Amevo [1998] PNGLR 240 PNGBC v Pala Aruai [2002] PNGLR 159 Rage Augerea v Bank South Pacific Ltd (2007) SC869 Samuel Aiye Nema v Rural Development Bank Ltd (201......
  • The Independent State of Papua New Guinea and the Chief Migraiton Officer, Rabura Mataio v the Transferees and Amnesty International (2014) SC1348
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 2 June 2014
    ...Taxes v. Bougainville Copper Limited (2007) SC853 Wawoi Guavi Timber Company Ltd v. Mondiai (2007) SC1028 Chan v. Ombudsman Commission [1998] PNGLR 240 Matiabe Oberia v. Chief Inspector Charlie (2005) SC801 Liu v Emoto (2009) SC1032 Sekesu Sisapi Land Group (Inc.) v. Turama Forest Industrie......
  • Bernard Nuri and Western Highlands Provincial Government v Kaipel Du for and on Behalf of 106 Others (2003) N2315
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 17 January 2003
    ...of Papua New Guinea v Barclay Brothers (PNG) Ltd (2001) N2090, Tian Chen Ltd v The Tower Ltd (No 1) (2002) N2313, PNGBC v Barra Amevo [1998] PNGLR 240, Putput Logging Pty Ltd v Phillip Ambalis [1992] PNGLR 159 and Credit Suisse v Allerdale BC [1996] 4 All ER 129 referred to ________________......
  • Augwi Ltd v Xun Xin Xin (2014) SC1616
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • 17 October 2014
    ...164 Kiddie v Pavey (2004) N2513 PNGBC v Barra Amevo and Bari Investments trading as Kainantu Pharmacy, Lennie Aparima and Orito Aparima [1998] PNGLR 240 Fred Angoram v Independent Public Business Corporation of Papua New Guinea (2011) N4363 Phillip Taudevin v Charles Theseira and Theresa Th......
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