The State v Aiton Ipai

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation(1997) N1629
Date26 September 1997
CourtNational Court

National Court: Lenalia AJ

Judgment Delivered: 26 September 1997

1 Criminal Law—Break, Enter and Stealing—Plea—Sentence—Criminal Code (Ch262) s395

2 Criminal Law—Sentencing—Taking other offences into account Principles applicable—May lead to increase in sentence—Sentence must not exceed maximum sentence that may be passed in respect of the offence for which has been convicted; The Acting Public Prosecutor v Andrew Amona Yonnga [1981] PNGLR 314 adopted

3 Acting Public Prosecutor v Andrew Amona Yonnga [1981] PNGLR 314 and Acting Public Prosecutor v Joe Kovea Mailai [1981] PNGLR 258 referred to


Lenalia AJ: The accused was convicted on his plea at Wabag on 18th September 1997 on a charge of break, enter and stealing items valuing at K14,250.00 at Panakada Repeater Station.

The owner of the property is alleged by the State to be Post and Telikom Pty Ltd. The offence committed is contrary to s395 of the Criminal Code.

After having read through the committal depositions I was satisfied that the facts confirm the accused plea, I then formally confirmed the accused's plea by announcing this fact to the accused and the two counsels. Prior to inviting the accused in allocutus to have his final say, the Counsel for the accused made an application in terms of s603(1)(a), (b), (c) and (2) of the Criminal code which provides that where an accused has been convicted upon indictment of an offence not punishable with death or imprisonment for life and where the Court is satisfied upon any of the circumstance defined under...

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9 practice notes
  • The State v Paeyan Sikar and Leonard Gawi (2003) N2545
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 27 October 2003
    ...Guba (2000) N2020, The State v Jack Oroko Tepol (1999) N1941, Public Prosecutor v Sam Nimimo [1977] PNGLR 226, The State v Aiton Ipai (1997) N1629, The State v Rocky Masa Kuno (1988) N673(S), The State v Michael Kamban Mani (2002) N2246, The State v Zima Munduai (2000) N2036, The State v Ma......
  • The State v Michael Kamban Mani (2002) N2246
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 21 May 2002
    ...Guba (2000) N2020, The State v Jack Oroko Tepol (1999) N1941, Public Prosecutor v Sam Nimimo [1977] PNGLR 226, The State v Aiton Ipai (1997) N1629, The State v Rocky Masa Kuno (1988) N673(S), The State v Robert Kawin (2001) N2167, The State v Abel Airi (2000) N2007, Acting Public Prosecutor......
  • The State v Koi Poyep Posanau (2004) N2642
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 31 August 2004
    ...flaw pending decision on sentence—Considered as mitigating factor.3 Kuli Willie v The State [1987] PNGLR 298, The State v Aiton Ipai (1997) N1629, The State v Peter Rasta Karl (2000) N1978, The State v Ted Dong & Ors (2000) N1990, The State v Michael Kamban Mani (2002) N2246, The State v Bu......
  • The State v Brendan Oll and Nathan Saisai (2004) N2554
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 25 March 2004
    ...would be offenders—Two years wholly suspended sentence on terms imposed—Criminal Code s398(a)(i) and s19.3 The State v Aiton Ipai (1997) N1629, The State v Rocky Masa Kuno (1988) N673(S), The State v Michael Kamban Mani (2002) N2246, Acting Public Prosecutor v Clement Maki and Tom Kasen (19......
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9 cases
  • The State v Paeyan Sikar and Leonard Gawi (2003) N2545
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 27 October 2003
    ...Guba (2000) N2020, The State v Jack Oroko Tepol (1999) N1941, Public Prosecutor v Sam Nimimo [1977] PNGLR 226, The State v Aiton Ipai (1997) N1629, The State v Rocky Masa Kuno (1988) N673(S), The State v Michael Kamban Mani (2002) N2246, The State v Zima Munduai (2000) N2036, The State v Ma......
  • The State v Michael Kamban Mani (2002) N2246
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 21 May 2002
    ...Guba (2000) N2020, The State v Jack Oroko Tepol (1999) N1941, Public Prosecutor v Sam Nimimo [1977] PNGLR 226, The State v Aiton Ipai (1997) N1629, The State v Rocky Masa Kuno (1988) N673(S), The State v Robert Kawin (2001) N2167, The State v Abel Airi (2000) N2007, Acting Public Prosecutor......
  • The State v Koi Poyep Posanau (2004) N2642
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 31 August 2004
    ...flaw pending decision on sentence—Considered as mitigating factor.3 Kuli Willie v The State [1987] PNGLR 298, The State v Aiton Ipai (1997) N1629, The State v Peter Rasta Karl (2000) N1978, The State v Ted Dong & Ors (2000) N1990, The State v Michael Kamban Mani (2002) N2246, The State v Bu......
  • The State v Brendan Oll and Nathan Saisai (2004) N2554
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 25 March 2004
    ...would be offenders—Two years wholly suspended sentence on terms imposed—Criminal Code s398(a)(i) and s19.3 The State v Aiton Ipai (1997) N1629, The State v Rocky Masa Kuno (1988) N673(S), The State v Michael Kamban Mani (2002) N2246, Acting Public Prosecutor v Clement Maki and Tom Kasen (19......
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