Re Kepo Raramu and Yowe Village Court

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
CourtNational Court
Citation[1994] PNGLR 486

National Court: Doherty J

Judgment Delivered: 22 November

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1 Constitutional law—imprisonment for violation of custom which is applied to women but not men—whether contrary to equality provision, Constitution s55

2 Customary law—custom barring widow from going around with another man—oppressive—applied to women, not men—contrary to Constitution and inconsistent with inherent dignity of mankind


Doherty J: Kepo Raramu has been sentenced to a term by the Village Court of 6 months imprisonment because as a widow, she has gone around with another man.

I am well aware of the custom in many areas that says women whose husbands have died are not to go around with another man. I have come across such a custom in Ninigos Islands in the Manus Province and Tigidu in Morobe Province. I do not know of any equivalent customs that says a man whose wife has died are not allowed to go around with other woman...

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