The State v Nancy Leah Uviri (2008) N5468

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Date16 October 2008
Citation(2008) N5468
Docket NumberCR NO 984 0F 2007
CourtNational Court

Full Title: CR NO 984 0F 2007; The State v Nancy Leah Uviri (2008) N5468

National Court: Cannings J

Judgment Delivered: 16 October 2008

CRIMINAL LAW—sentence—Criminal Code, Subdivision VI.1.C (offences analogous to stealing)—s383A (misappropriation of property)—sentence on plea of guilty—offender pleaded guilty to misappropriating K536,134.00 from her employer; clear evidence of approximately K300,000.00 in depositions—sentence of 7 years.

The offender pleaded guilty to misappropriation of K536,134.00 in cash from her employer, over an 18-month period. She engineered a scheme of presenting bogus invoices and obtaining cash. There was clear evidence of misappropriation of K300,000.00 and she was sentenced on the basis that that was the amount that had been misappropriated.


(1) The starting point range for sentencing for the amount misappropriated is six to ten years imprisonment.

(2) Mitigating factors are: co-operated with police; repaid some money; pleaded guilty; first-time offender. Aggravating factors are: very large amount of money; transactions committed over long period; severe breach of trust; money not put to good use.

(3) A sentence of seven years was imposed. No part of the sentence was suspended.

Cases cited

The following cases are cited in the judgment:

Saperus Yalibakut v The State (2006) SC890

The State v Augustine Seckry CR 376 of 2005, 19.04.05

The State v Joyce Gulum CR 1620 of 2005, 06.04.06

The State v Paul Taro CR 237 of 2006, 03.08.06

The State v Rictor Naiab CR 387 of 2005, 08.09.05

The State v Steven Lasin CR No 1631 of 2006, 17.08.07

Wellington Belawa v The State [1988-89] PNGLR 496


This is a judgment on sentence for misappropriation.

1. CANNINGS J: This is a decision on sentence for a woman, Nancy Leah Uviri, who pleaded guilty to one count of misappropriation. She was an employee of one of the biggest companies operating in West New Britain, Kimbe Bay Shipping Agencies Limited. In 2005 she was in charge of the section of the company that received invoices from fishermen, who were selling fish to the company, which would then hold the fish in its freezer department. Over a 19-month period, from July 2005 to February 2007, she issued invoices in bogus names and then used the invoices to obtain cash from the accounts section of the company, ostensibly to pay the fishermen. In the case of the bogus invoices, instead of paying out the cash to fishermen, she converted it to her own use. She has pleaded guilty to misappropriating K536,134.00. I entered a provisional plea of guilty and then, after reading the District Court depositions, confirmed the plea and convicted her of misappropriation under Section 383A of the Criminal Code.

2. Since entering the conviction, I have more closely considered the depositions and concluded that there is clear evidence of misappropriation of about K300,000.00. I do not consider, however, that this means that the conviction should be vacated. There is clear evidence of the elements of the charge and the offender has pleaded guilty to misappropriation of a substantial amount of money. I have decided to proceed with the sentence.


3. The offender has no prior convictions.


4. I administered the allocutus, ie the offender was given the opportunity to say what matters the court should take into account when deciding on punishment. She said:

I am very sorry about what has happened. The company has got back some of our property, worth about K120,000.00. I am now employed again, elsewhere, and I ask the court to consider me for probation. I am willing to pay back what is still owed to the company.


5. As the offender has pleaded guilty she will be given the benefit of the doubt on mitigating matters raised in the depositions, the allocutus or in submissions that are not contested by the prosecution (Saperus Yalibakut v The State (2006) SC890). As I pointed out earlier, I will take into account as a mitigating factor that the amount actually misappropriated is about K300,000.00; which is significantly less than the amount that the offender pleaded guilty to misappropriating: about K536,134.00. I also take into account that she made full admissions when interviewed by the police and she appears to have co-operated with the police. Furthermore, it is not disputed that the company has, with the assistance of the police, recovered property from the offender to the value of about K120,000.00.


6. A pre-sentence report prepared by the Kimbe branch of the Community Based Corrections Service shows that Nancy Uviri is 29 years old, married, with one child. She is of mixed West and East New Britain parentage. She grew up at Buluma, between Kimbe and Hoskins. She has strong family support and is well regarded in the local community. She was educated to grade 10 at Hoskins High School. She has been employed fairly regularly since 1999, first with the Spirit of West New Britain Company, then she joined KBSA in 2000, where she was employed until 2007. She was sacked over the misappropriation matter that is now before the court. She has since started a new job as a supervisor with Buluma Mart. She is recommended for a long period of probation.


7. Mr Beli highlighted the guilty plea and the offender’s preparedness to repay the money to the company. A sentence of around four years imprisonment, fully suspended, would be appropriate, he submitted.


8. Mr Popeu submitted that a sterner sentence is required, in view of the amount misappropriated. A sentence of five to eight years is warranted, he submitted.


9. To determine the appropriate penalty I will adopt the following decision making process:

• step 1: what is the maximum penalty?


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