The State v Peter Tokunai

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation(2015) N6039
Date18 June 2015
CourtNational Court

Full : CR (FC) 893 of 2013; The State v Peter Tokunai (2015) N6039

National Court: Salika, DCJ

Judgment Delivered: 18 June 2015

CRIMINAL PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE—what is an appropriate sentence in a misappropriation case—sentencing is a discretion of the Court—prisoner misappropriated K1.5 million.

Cases cited:

Papua New Guinea Cases

Belawa v The State (1988-89) PNGLR 496

State v Stanley Haru (2014) N5660

The State v Jimmy Kendi (2007) N3131

The State v Lawrence Pukali (2014) N5695

Uname Aumane v The State (1980) PNGLR 510

Overseas Cases

Makarian v R (2005) 228 CLR 357

1. SALIKA DCJ: Introduction: I convicted the prisoner on one count of dishonestly applying K1, 500,000.00 to his own use, property belonging to the State.

2. What happened in this case is that the prisoner sent in a project proposal for K1, 500,000.00 for the reconstruction of the Malaguna Catholic Church to the Department of National Planning and Monitoring for funding. The proposal is that the prisoner’s private company Islands Energy Limited would be the project Manager. Funding for the project was approved by the Department of National Planning and Monitoring and a cheque for K1, 500,000 was issued in favour of Islands Energy...

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5 practice notes
  • The State v Nigel Kenneth
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 3 August 2016
    ...[1982] PNGLR 269 Secretary for Law v Witrasep Binengim [1975] PNGLR 172 The State v Max Bruno (13.4.2016) N6292 The State v Peter Tokunai (2015) N6039 The State v Napilye Kuri [1994] PNGLR 371 The State-v-Christian Korei (2005) N2946 Wellington Belawa v The State [1988-89] PNGLR.496 Counsel......
  • The State v Kais Pohien
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 28 November 2016
    ...[1995] N1401State -v-Jimmy Kendi (2007) N3131 State -v-Stanley Haru (2012) Un-numbered National Court Judgement State -v- Peter Tokunai (2015) N6039State -v- Moko Essi Rom (2009) Cr 114/08 State -v- Paul Tiensten (2015) N5563Ure Hane -v- The State (1984) PNGLR 105 Counsel:Mr. P Tengdui, for......
  • The State v Jimmy Mostata Maladina
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 13 August 2015
    ...State v Iori Veraga Unreported N2849 The State v Jimmy Kendi (No 2) N3131 The State v Stanley Haru (2014) N5660 The State v Peter Tokunai(2015) N6039 Avia Aihi v The State (1982) PNGLR 92 Goli Golu v The State (1979) PNGLR 653; The State v Niso (No2) [2005] PGNC 26; N2930 The State v Paul T......
  • The State v Koani Lohia (2019) N8042
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 8 October 2019
    ...The State v Moko Essi Kom (2009) N6199 The State v Nancy Uviri (2008) N6039 The State v Niso (No 2) (2005) N2930 The State v Peter Tokunai (2015) N6039 The State v Solomon Junt Warur (2018) N7545 The State v Stanley Haru (2014) N5660 The State v Tardrew [1986] PNGLR 91 The State v Tiensten ......
  • Request a trial to view additional results
5 cases
  • The State v Nigel Kenneth
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 3 August 2016
    ...[1982] PNGLR 269 Secretary for Law v Witrasep Binengim [1975] PNGLR 172 The State v Max Bruno (13.4.2016) N6292 The State v Peter Tokunai (2015) N6039 The State v Napilye Kuri [1994] PNGLR 371 The State-v-Christian Korei (2005) N2946 Wellington Belawa v The State [1988-89] PNGLR.496 Counsel......
  • The State v Kais Pohien
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 28 November 2016
    ...[1995] N1401State -v-Jimmy Kendi (2007) N3131 State -v-Stanley Haru (2012) Un-numbered National Court Judgement State -v- Peter Tokunai (2015) N6039State -v- Moko Essi Rom (2009) Cr 114/08 State -v- Paul Tiensten (2015) N5563Ure Hane -v- The State (1984) PNGLR 105 Counsel:Mr. P Tengdui, for......
  • The State v Jimmy Mostata Maladina
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 13 August 2015
    ...State v Iori Veraga Unreported N2849 The State v Jimmy Kendi (No 2) N3131 The State v Stanley Haru (2014) N5660 The State v Peter Tokunai(2015) N6039 Avia Aihi v The State (1982) PNGLR 92 Goli Golu v The State (1979) PNGLR 653; The State v Niso (No2) [2005] PGNC 26; N2930 The State v Paul T......
  • The State v Koani Lohia (2019) N8042
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 8 October 2019
    ...The State v Moko Essi Kom (2009) N6199 The State v Nancy Uviri (2008) N6039 The State v Niso (No 2) (2005) N2930 The State v Peter Tokunai (2015) N6039 The State v Solomon Junt Warur (2018) N7545 The State v Stanley Haru (2014) N5660 The State v Tardrew [1986] PNGLR 91 The State v Tiensten ......
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