The State v Nickson Pari (No 1) (2000) N2037

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation(2000) N2037
Date14 December 2000
CourtNational Court

Full Title: The State v Nickson Pari (No 1) (2000) N2037

National Court: Kandakasi J

Judgment Delivered: 14 December 2000

1 Criminal Law—Practice and procedure—On plea of guilty—Statement in allocutus contrary to plea and depositions—Pleas of not guilty to be recorded—Trial before another judge required.

2 The The State v Joe Ivoro and Gemora Yavura (1980] PNGLR 1, R v Bena–Forepe (1965–66] PNGLR 329, Gabriel Laku v The State (1981] PNGLR 350, The State v Peter Sari (1990] PNGLR 48, Dinge Damane v The State (1991] PNGLR 244 and Martin Ferry v The State SCRA64 of 2000 (Unreported and unnumbered judgment of the Supreme Court delivered on 22 November 2000 at Wewak)


Kandakasi J: On the 5 December 2000, the Defendant pleaded guilty to a charge of attempted murder under s304 of the Criminal Code (Ch262) (hereafter "the Code"). Upon reading the deposition, I was satisfied that there was enough evidence to support the guilty plea. Hence, I confirmed the guilty plea and convicted the Defendant as charged.


In his allocutus pursuant to s593 of the Code, the Defendant said he did not intend to kill or shoot the victim. It was an accident. He said his finger accidentally pressed the trigger of a home–made gun he was carrying and the bullet went off and injured the victim. He then said he has additional things to say and those are set out in a letter and he handed up the letter. The letter was dated 14 November 2000 consisting of 3 pages. That letter was admitted into evidence with the States consent. Set out below is the material parts of the letter.

"Your Honour, on the 9 Friday of June 2000 about 8.00pm I left my house at five mile and I was walking down to four mile following the main highway. The reason why I came to four mile is to visit my uncle and his family, as I was approaching the junction to four mile I met those three (3) boys sitting along the street leading to my uncle's house. Your Honour, I do know them because they are my uncle's next neighbours so I stopped and ask them why they're sitting in the dark talking to themselves quietly. Your Honour, they told me that they were planning to rob those men playing cards, I heard this and know that it's gonna be a trouble so I wanted to leave them and go away. Your Honour, those three (3) boys are bigger than me and they resist that I must follow them to commit these offence. I was helpless that time so I follow them to where this trouble had been committed. They (the boys) gave me a home–made gun with a bullet and we went off...

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5 practice notes
  • The State v Redford Bubura (2004) N2577
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 28 April 2004
    ...of 7 years imposed—Criminal Code s19 and s319.3 The State v Nickson Pari (No 2) (2001) N2033, The State v Nickson Pari (No 1) (2000) N2037, The State v Joe Ivoro [1980] PNGLR 1, Gabriel Laku v The State [1981] PNGLR 350, The State v Peter Sari [1990] PNGLR 48, Dinge Damane v The State [1991......
  • The State v Aaron Lahu (2005) N2798
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 25 February 2005
    ...[1980] PNGLR 1, The State v Mark Kanupio and Others (2005) CR Nos 238–242 of 2003, 25.02.05, unreported, The State v Nickson Pari (No 1) (2000) N2037, The State v Steward Pariwan (1999) N1834 referred to Sentence ___________________________ Cannings J: INTRODUCTION This is a decision on the......
  • The State v Joe Butema Arua (2001) N2076
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 28 March 2001 when lenient sentence asked for and to determine whether or not compensation should be ordered. 4 The State v Nickson Pari (No 1) (2000) N2037, The State v James Gurave Guba (2000) N2020, The State v Jason Dongoma (2000) N2038, William Norris v The State (1979] PNGLR 605, Rex Lialu v......
  • The State v Alice Mei Tombos
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 24 September 2015 State v. Tepol [1999] N1941, which I have had regard to. 30. His Honour, Kandakasi J in the case of The State v. Nickson Pari (No.1) (2000) N2037 after considering a number of authorities in this Court and the Supreme Court stated that: “These lines of cases make it very clear that, on......
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5 cases
  • The State v Redford Bubura (2004) N2577
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 28 April 2004
    ...of 7 years imposed—Criminal Code s19 and s319.3 The State v Nickson Pari (No 2) (2001) N2033, The State v Nickson Pari (No 1) (2000) N2037, The State v Joe Ivoro [1980] PNGLR 1, Gabriel Laku v The State [1981] PNGLR 350, The State v Peter Sari [1990] PNGLR 48, Dinge Damane v The State [1991......
  • The State v Aaron Lahu (2005) N2798
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 25 February 2005
    ...[1980] PNGLR 1, The State v Mark Kanupio and Others (2005) CR Nos 238–242 of 2003, 25.02.05, unreported, The State v Nickson Pari (No 1) (2000) N2037, The State v Steward Pariwan (1999) N1834 referred to Sentence ___________________________ Cannings J: INTRODUCTION This is a decision on the......
  • The State v Joe Butema Arua (2001) N2076
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 28 March 2001 when lenient sentence asked for and to determine whether or not compensation should be ordered. 4 The State v Nickson Pari (No 1) (2000) N2037, The State v James Gurave Guba (2000) N2020, The State v Jason Dongoma (2000) N2038, William Norris v The State (1979] PNGLR 605, Rex Lialu v......
  • The State v Alice Mei Tombos
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 24 September 2015 State v. Tepol [1999] N1941, which I have had regard to. 30. His Honour, Kandakasi J in the case of The State v. Nickson Pari (No.1) (2000) N2037 after considering a number of authorities in this Court and the Supreme Court stated that: “These lines of cases make it very clear that, on......
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