The State v Wilfred Opu Yamande N'danabet of M'bawya, Kotidanga, Gulf Province ('Prisoner') (2004) N2728

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
CourtNational Court
Citation(2004) N2728
Date09 November 2004

Full Title: The State v Wilfred Opu Yamande N'danabet of M'bawya, Kotidanga, Gulf Province ('Prisoner') (2004) N2728

National Court: Davani J

Judgment Delivered: 9 November 2004

1 Sentence—wilful murder—guilty plea—belief in sorcery a mitigating factor—s299 of Criminal Code.

2 Practice and procedure—wilful murder—guilty plea—sorcery related killing—there must be evidence on belief in sorcery.

3 The State v Siune Arnold (1997) N1658, Acting Public Prosecutor v Uname Aumane [1980] PNGLR 510, Goli Golu v The State [1979] PNGLR 653, Avia Aihi v The State (No 3) [1982] PNGLR 92, Ure Hane v The State [1984] PNGLR 105, The State v Kwayawako [1988] PNGLR 174, The State v Sambura (2002) N2219, The State v Jude Gena (2004) N2649 referred to

Sentence (Plea)


Davani J: Wilfred Opu Yamande N'Danabet (the prisoner') pleaded guilty to one count of wilful murder, that he did on 9 November 2002, at Wingi village in the Gulf province, kill one Sonny Notiaio ('deceased').

In the record of interview with the police conducted on 12 December 2002, the prisoner told the police that on 9 November 2002, he killed his brother–in–law, the deceased. He said he did this because the deceased had told his cousins to kill him because they claimed the prisoner's grandfather killed their daughter. They said that they wanted to take revenge on any of the prisoner's family members. The prisoner said he used a knife to stab the deceased once on the back and once on the neck, which was the reason why he wanted to kill somebody called Vincent Pomero but...

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6 practice notes
  • John Baipu v The State (2005) SC796
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • July 1, 2005
    ...N2219, The State v Samson Sisi (2002) CR 1486 of 2002, The State v Jude Gena (2004) N2649, The State v Wilfred Opu Yamande N'danabet (2004) N2728, The State v Urari Siviri (2004) N2747, The State v Francis Kuta Amet (2004) CR1418 of 2002 and CR688 of 2003, Kumbi Koti, Peter Kowoi and Mokepe......
  • CR. 1521 of 2010; CR. 1588 of 2010 State v Soti Mesuno, Luke Lungu Gihiye, Mesuno Lungu and Meki Shumbo Gihiye (2012) N4701
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • June 8, 2012
    ...(2006) N3237; The State v Joseph Tunde Binape (2004) N2727; The State v Jude Gena (2004) N2649; The State v Wilfred Opu Yamande N'danabet (2004) N2728; Max Java v The State (2002) SC701; The State v Yamola Mealo (2004) N2708 1. KANGWIA AJ: The prisoners are appearing for sentence for the Wi......
  • The State v Malachi Mathias and John Giamalu (2011) N4670
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • September 9, 2011
    ...Lota (2007) N3183; The State v Siune Arnold (1997) N1658; The State v Urari Siviri (2004) N2747; The State v Wilfred Opu Yamande N'danabet (2004) N2728 SENTENCE 1. GABI, J: Introduction: Malachi Mathias and John Giamalu, the prisoners, have been found guilty of murder of Chris Wandap, Domin......
  • The State v Alois Toropo (No. 2)
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • June 19, 2015
    ...The State v Siune [2006] PGNC 112 (21 December 2006 Steven Loke & Ors v The State (2008) SC836 The State vs. Wilfred Opu Yamande N’danabet (2004) N2728 (9 November 2004) JUDGMENT ON SENTENCE 1. TOLIKEN J: Alois Toropo (Alois) and Tombake Nare (Tombake) on the 12th of June 2015, after trial,......
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6 cases
  • John Baipu v The State (2005) SC796
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • July 1, 2005
    ...N2219, The State v Samson Sisi (2002) CR 1486 of 2002, The State v Jude Gena (2004) N2649, The State v Wilfred Opu Yamande N'danabet (2004) N2728, The State v Urari Siviri (2004) N2747, The State v Francis Kuta Amet (2004) CR1418 of 2002 and CR688 of 2003, Kumbi Koti, Peter Kowoi and Mokepe......
  • CR. 1521 of 2010; CR. 1588 of 2010 State v Soti Mesuno, Luke Lungu Gihiye, Mesuno Lungu and Meki Shumbo Gihiye (2012) N4701
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • June 8, 2012
    ...(2006) N3237; The State v Joseph Tunde Binape (2004) N2727; The State v Jude Gena (2004) N2649; The State v Wilfred Opu Yamande N'danabet (2004) N2728; Max Java v The State (2002) SC701; The State v Yamola Mealo (2004) N2708 1. KANGWIA AJ: The prisoners are appearing for sentence for the Wi......
  • The State v Malachi Mathias and John Giamalu (2011) N4670
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • September 9, 2011
    ...Lota (2007) N3183; The State v Siune Arnold (1997) N1658; The State v Urari Siviri (2004) N2747; The State v Wilfred Opu Yamande N'danabet (2004) N2728 SENTENCE 1. GABI, J: Introduction: Malachi Mathias and John Giamalu, the prisoners, have been found guilty of murder of Chris Wandap, Domin......
  • The State v Alois Toropo (No. 2)
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • June 19, 2015
    ...The State v Siune [2006] PGNC 112 (21 December 2006 Steven Loke & Ors v The State (2008) SC836 The State vs. Wilfred Opu Yamande N’danabet (2004) N2728 (9 November 2004) JUDGMENT ON SENTENCE 1. TOLIKEN J: Alois Toropo (Alois) and Tombake Nare (Tombake) on the 12th of June 2015, after trial,......
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