The State v Nivi Araba (1999) N1849

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation[1999] PNGLR 131
Date22 April 1999
CourtNational Court

Full Title: The State v Nivi Araba (1999) N1849

National Court: Sakora J

Judgment Delivered: 22 April 1999

1 CRIMINAL LAW—Sentence—Guity plea to offence of unlawful carnal knowledge of a girl under the age of 12 years—Criminal Code (Ch262), s213(1)

2 SENTENCE—Guilty Plea—Fist time offender—Deterrence—Need to protect women and girls against sexual predators


Sakora J: You have pleaded guilty to the charge that on 24 July 1998 at Situm in the Morobe province, you had unlawful carnal knowledge of Jobeb Labo, a girl under the age of 12 years. Upon my independently satisfying myself that you indeed committed the offence as charged and as admitted in Court by yourself, I then convicted you and reserved sentencing till today.

The agreed facts upon which you pleaded demonstrate the following circumstances. On the day in question, between the hours of 10:00 and 11 am; the girl victim went to the creek near her village of Amua, in the Situm area, to have her wash. She came across you having your bath at the creek. She was by herself. Upon seeing her you approached her and carried her into the nearby bushes, lay her down on the ground, removed her clothes and proceeded to have sexual intercourse with her.

It was the State's case that you knew then that she was a little girl and under the age of 12 years. This child victim was no stranger to you, both of you being from the same village and you knowing each other. And this familiarity, no doubt, would have been the reason for her not feeling alarmed in any way when you...

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7 practice notes
  • State v Binga Thomas (2005) N2828
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • May 2, 2005
    ...Mokei (No 1) (2004) N2606, The State v Lohori Mau [2003] PNGLR 213, The State v Moki Lepi (No 2) (2002) N2278, The State v Nivi Araba [1999] PNGLR 131, The State v Kenneth Peter (2002) N2336, The State v Miseal Butemo [1984] PNGLR 62, John Aubuka v State [1987] PNGLR 267, The State v Eddie ......
  • The State v Peter Lare (2004) N2557
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • May 20, 2004
    ...Ombi (No 2) (2004) N2552, The State v Garry Sasoropa (No 2) (2004) N2569, The State v Dii Gideon (2002) N2335, The State v Nivi Araba [1999] PNGLR 131 referred toDecision on Sentence ___________________________ Kandakasi J: You pleaded guilty to one charge of sexual penetration of a girl (n......
  • The State v Kemai Lumou (2004) N2684
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • September 23, 2004
    ...imposed—s229A of Criminal Code.2 The State v Peter Lare (2004) N2557, The State v Peter Yawoma (2001) N2032, The State v Nivi Araba [1999] PNGLR 131, The State v Damien Mangawi (2003) N2419, The State v Dii Gideon (2002) N2335, Secretary for Law v Kwauga [1974] PNGLR 135, The State v Bernar......
  • State v Thomas Angup (2005) N2830
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • April 21, 2005
    ...of the victim and the age of an older defendant it is usually regarded as being a factor against the defendant (The State v Nivi Araba [1999] PNGLR 131 (Sakora J); The State v Moki Lepi (No 2) (2002) N2278 (Kandakasi J); The State v Lohori Mau [2003] PNGLR 213 (Davani J)) because of the inf......
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7 cases
  • State v Binga Thomas (2005) N2828
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • May 2, 2005
    ...Mokei (No 1) (2004) N2606, The State v Lohori Mau [2003] PNGLR 213, The State v Moki Lepi (No 2) (2002) N2278, The State v Nivi Araba [1999] PNGLR 131, The State v Kenneth Peter (2002) N2336, The State v Miseal Butemo [1984] PNGLR 62, John Aubuka v State [1987] PNGLR 267, The State v Eddie ......
  • The State v Peter Lare (2004) N2557
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • May 20, 2004
    ...Ombi (No 2) (2004) N2552, The State v Garry Sasoropa (No 2) (2004) N2569, The State v Dii Gideon (2002) N2335, The State v Nivi Araba [1999] PNGLR 131 referred toDecision on Sentence ___________________________ Kandakasi J: You pleaded guilty to one charge of sexual penetration of a girl (n......
  • The State v Kemai Lumou (2004) N2684
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • September 23, 2004
    ...imposed—s229A of Criminal Code.2 The State v Peter Lare (2004) N2557, The State v Peter Yawoma (2001) N2032, The State v Nivi Araba [1999] PNGLR 131, The State v Damien Mangawi (2003) N2419, The State v Dii Gideon (2002) N2335, Secretary for Law v Kwauga [1974] PNGLR 135, The State v Bernar......
  • State v Thomas Angup (2005) N2830
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • April 21, 2005
    ...of the victim and the age of an older defendant it is usually regarded as being a factor against the defendant (The State v Nivi Araba [1999] PNGLR 131 (Sakora J); The State v Moki Lepi (No 2) (2002) N2278 (Kandakasi J); The State v Lohori Mau [2003] PNGLR 213 (Davani J)) because of the inf......
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