Maip Pty Ltd v Ambra Coffee Estates Pty Ltd

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation[1995] PNGLR 25
Date29 September 1995
CourtNational Court

National Court: Woods J

Judgment Delivered: 29 September 1995

1 Equity—constructive trust—tender for purchase of property—tender accepted—no contract prepared—delay in submitting requirements for contract—occupation pending contract

2 Equity—claim in equity—nature of equitable estoppel—laches

3 Equity—unjust enrichment—limits to claims

4 McCosker and King v Kuster [1967–68] PNGLR 182, Arnold Ningiga v Peter Lare Koavea [1988–89] PNGLR 312, Re Companies Act and Luabar Logging Pty Ltd [1988] PNGLR 124, Austotel Pty Ltd v Franklins Selfserve Pty Ltd (1989) 16 NSWLR 582 and Waltons Stores Ltd v Maher (1988) 164 CLR 387


Woods J: The Plaintiff is claiming certain rights to a property namely Portion 870 Mt Ambra being an Agricultural Lease Registered Volume 62 Folio 219 and being a coffee plantation. The Plaintiff is claiming rights as the successful tenderer for the property following an advertised mortgagee sale and an implied authority to enter into possession pending completion of the purchase.

The evidence is as follows:

The registered proprietor of the property according to the Title Deed is Totou No 36 Pty Ltd. Totou No 36 has changed their name to Ambra Coffee Estates Pty Ltd however that change of name has not been noted on the title due to their being no transfer requiring such notification.

Ambra Coffee Estates mortgaged the property to the Papua New Guinea Banking Corporation and that mortgage is noted on the registered title. There appears to have been default under the mortgage and the Bank in 1992 advertised the property for sale by public tender.

The Plaintiff was the successful applicant following this advertisement.

On 14 December 1992 the Bank advised the Plaintiff by letter that it accepted the Plaintiff's tender and required the Plaintiff to act within 14 days in meeting the following requirements:

1. Deposit of 10% (K9,000) is payable now;

2. Confirmation/evidence of ability to meet the balance of purchase price;

3. Name in which...

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7 practice notes
  • Paradise Farms Limited v Bank South Pacifc Limited (2010) N3825
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 8 January 2010
    ...Brothers (Queensland) Pty Ltd v The Independent State of Papua New Guinea [1993] PNGLR 285; Maip Pty Ltd v Ambra Coffee Estates Pty Ltd [1995] PNGLR 25; Kwila Insurance Corporation v Kwangtun Pty Ltd [1992] PNGLR 200; Jacobs v Kwaindu [1991] PNGLR 366; Arnold Ningiga v Peter Lare Koavea [19......
  • Leonard Gaua v Joe & Theresia Amir
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
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    ...PNGLR 491 Breckwoldt & Co (New Guinea) Pty Limited v Harold Gnoyke (No 2) [1975] PNGLR 195 Maip Pty Ltd v Ambra Coffee Estates Pty Ltd [1995] PNGLR 25 Mathew Tolanas v Collins Gipe (2008) N3536 Pius Koroguen v Christine Wagen (2008) N3422 Putput Logging Pty Ltd v Ambalis [1992] PNGLR 159 Co......
  • Pius Koroguen v Christine Wagen (2008) N3422
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 24 July 2008
    ...PNGLR 491; Breckwoldt & Co (New Guinea) Pty Ltd v Harold Gnoyke (No 2) [1975] PNGLR 195; Maip Pty Ltd v Ambra Coffee Estates Pty Ltd [1995] PNGLR 25; Putput Logging Pty Ltd v Phillip Ambalis [1992] PNGLR 159 Abbreviations The following abbreviations appear in the judgment CJ – Chief Justice......
  • Steven Naki v AGC (Pacific) Ltd (2005) N2782
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 4 February 2005—consequences of breach of procedures—promissory estoppel—decision on liability. 2 Maip Pty Ltd v Ambra Coffee Estates Pty Ltd [1995] PNGLR 25, Rainbow Holdings Pty Ltd v Central Province Forest Industries Pty Ltd [1983] PNGLR 34, Seafreight Pty Ltd v Bishop Shipping Services Pty Ltd......
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7 cases
  • Paradise Farms Limited v Bank South Pacifc Limited (2010) N3825
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 8 January 2010
    ...Brothers (Queensland) Pty Ltd v The Independent State of Papua New Guinea [1993] PNGLR 285; Maip Pty Ltd v Ambra Coffee Estates Pty Ltd [1995] PNGLR 25; Kwila Insurance Corporation v Kwangtun Pty Ltd [1992] PNGLR 200; Jacobs v Kwaindu [1991] PNGLR 366; Arnold Ningiga v Peter Lare Koavea [19......
  • Leonard Gaua v Joe & Theresia Amir
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 29 January 2010
    ...PNGLR 491 Breckwoldt & Co (New Guinea) Pty Limited v Harold Gnoyke (No 2) [1975] PNGLR 195 Maip Pty Ltd v Ambra Coffee Estates Pty Ltd [1995] PNGLR 25 Mathew Tolanas v Collins Gipe (2008) N3536 Pius Koroguen v Christine Wagen (2008) N3422 Putput Logging Pty Ltd v Ambalis [1992] PNGLR 159 Co......
  • Pius Koroguen v Christine Wagen (2008) N3422
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 24 July 2008
    ...PNGLR 491; Breckwoldt & Co (New Guinea) Pty Ltd v Harold Gnoyke (No 2) [1975] PNGLR 195; Maip Pty Ltd v Ambra Coffee Estates Pty Ltd [1995] PNGLR 25; Putput Logging Pty Ltd v Phillip Ambalis [1992] PNGLR 159 Abbreviations The following abbreviations appear in the judgment CJ – Chief Justice......
  • Steven Naki v AGC (Pacific) Ltd (2005) N2782
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 4 February 2005—consequences of breach of procedures—promissory estoppel—decision on liability. 2 Maip Pty Ltd v Ambra Coffee Estates Pty Ltd [1995] PNGLR 25, Rainbow Holdings Pty Ltd v Central Province Forest Industries Pty Ltd [1983] PNGLR 34, Seafreight Pty Ltd v Bishop Shipping Services Pty Ltd......
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