The Independent State of Papua New Guinea v Kubor Earthmoving (PNG) Pty Ltd [1985] PNGLR 448

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation[1985] PNGLR 448
Date20 December 1985
CourtSupreme Court

Full Title: The Independent State of Papua New Guinea v Kubor Earthmoving (PNG) Pty Ltd [1985] PNGLR 448

Supreme Court: Woods J

Judgment Delivered: 20 December 1985

1 Practice and procedure—directions—time in which to file notice of objection to competency

2 APPEALS—Practice and procedure—Notice of objection to competency—Application for leave to file out of time—No power to extend time—Supreme Court Rules, O7, r14.

3 PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE—Extension of time in which to do an act—No power—Orders necessary to do justice—When appropriate Constitution, s155(4).


(1) The Court may exercise its power under the Constitution, s155(4), to make whatever order it deems necessary to do justice, where the making of an appropriate order would avoid injustice; the power may not be used to avoid possible inconvenience.

(2) There being no power in the Court under the Supreme Court Rules to extend the time required to file a notice of objection to the competency of an appeal and no injustice to be avoided, no orders should be made to extend time.


This was an application by the respondent to an appeal for leave to file a notice of objection to competency of the appeal outside the time limited by the Supreme Court Rules.


Woods J: I am being asked for directions which will result in the respondent being able to file a notice of objection to competency outside the period of fourteen days allowed by the Rules from the date on which the notice of appeal was served on the respondent: see Supreme Court Rules...

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14 practice notes
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  • Supreme Court Rules - Commentary by Justice Lay
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Papua New Guinea Legislation
    • 1 January 2009
    ...of 14 days to file and serve an objection and no right to raise objections outside the time allowed: State v Kubor Earthmoving (PNG) Ltd [1985] PNGLR 448 approved in Patterson Lowa & ors v Wapala Akipe & ors[1991] PNGLR 265; [1992] PNGLR 399; followed in SC 795 (2005) Gregory Pule M......

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