Toale Hongiri Incorporated Land Group and Tiasapi Incorporated Land Group and Souwolo Incorporated Land Group and Souwolo Haporopake Incorporated Land Group v Wolotou Incorporated Land Group and The Independent State of Papua New Guinea and Rendle Rimua in his capacity as Acting Secretary of Petroleum and Energy and Micah Pitpit—Commissioner Land Titles Commission and Luhalipu Incorporated Land Group and Ase Tipurupeke Incorporated Land Group (2014) SC1358

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
CourtSupreme Court
Date04 July 2014
Citation(2014) SC1358
Docket NumberSCA NO. 101 OF 2011

Full Title: SCA NO. 101 OF 2011; Toale Hongiri Incorporated Land Group and Tiasapi Incorporated Land Group and Souwolo Incorporated Land Group and Souwolo Haporopake Incorporated Land Group v Wolotou Incorporated Land Group and The Independent State of Papua New Guinea and Rendle Rimua in his capacity as Acting Secretary of Petroleum and Energy and Micah Pitpit—Commissioner Land Titles Commission and Luhalipu Incorporated Land Group and Ase Tipurupeke Incorporated Land Group (2014) SC1358

Supreme Court: Manuhu, Gabi, Sawong, JJ

Judgment Delivered: 4 July 2014

PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE—Appeal against consent orders—Fresh evidence to show lack of authority to obtain consent orders—Relevant principles.

Cases cited

Tamara Player Tomscoll v The State (2012) SC1208

Jimmy Ono v The State (2002) SC698.

1. MANUHU, J.: This is an application by the first and second appellants (the applicants) to adduce fresh evidence made pursuant to Order 7 Rule 55 of the Supreme Court Rules. The application is supported by the affidavit of Jason Tirime sworn on 3rd November 2011 and filed on 4th November 2011.

2. The substantive matter is an appeal against orders of the National Court made on 24th August 2011 by consent. The consent orders basically formalized the result of mediation into the Gobe Oil Development Area known as PDL 3 and 4. It was also ordered, by consent, that the parties...

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1 practice notes
  • Francis Kunai v PNG Forest Authority
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 4 September 2018
    ...Corporation Ltd v. Canopus No 71 Ltd (2010) N4288 Toale Hongiri Incorporated Land Group & Ors v. Wolotou Incorporated Land Group & Ors (2014) SC1358 Polem Enterprises Ltd v. Attorney General of Papua New Guinea (2006) N2968 The State v. Zachary Gelu and Anor (2003) SC716 PNG v. Keboki Busin......
1 cases
  • Francis Kunai v PNG Forest Authority
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 4 September 2018
    ...Corporation Ltd v. Canopus No 71 Ltd (2010) N4288 Toale Hongiri Incorporated Land Group & Ors v. Wolotou Incorporated Land Group & Ors (2014) SC1358 Polem Enterprises Ltd v. Attorney General of Papua New Guinea (2006) N2968 The State v. Zachary Gelu and Anor (2003) SC716 PNG v. Keboki Busin......

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