Waghi Security Service Pty Ltd v John Tembon and Western Highlands Provincial Government In Suspension

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation[1994] PNGLR 138
Date22 December 1994
CourtNational Court

National Court: Woods J

Judgment Delivered: 22 December 1994

1 Contract—form—defects—execution under seal—authorised signatories—Stamp Duties Act—modern commercial agreements must comply with modern laws


Woods J: The Plaintiff is suing for breach of a contract entered into the Western Highlands Provincial Government in December 1991 to hire the Plaintiff's services for security at Kapal House.

The contract is alleged to have been for 3 years however it is alleged that the officers of the Government and in particular the First Defendant terminated the contract without giving the formal notice as required under the contract and in breach of a clause of the contract which provides for termination of the contract.

The Plaintiff is claiming for the period required for notice under the contract namely for the 3 months services which the plaintiff claims it is entitled to.

There is no claim for any work or services actually provided and not paid for, it is purely for the term of the defective notice and the loss suffered by the Company for such premature notice.

The Plaintiff is relying on the term of the contract and not for work done or services provided and not paid for.

The Plaintiff has tendered an agreement upon which it relies for its claim. However firstly there is no evidence of any compliance with the Stamp Duties Act (Ch117) it being a memorandum or agreement liable for duty. Therefore under s19 of the Act the document tendered cannot be admitted as or available in law. One very simple rationale for...

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6 practice notes
  • Madang Cocoa Growers Export Co Limited v National Development Bank Limited (2012) N4682
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • May 18, 2012
    ...Laundry v Newman [1949] 2 KB 528; Waghi Security Service Pty Ltd v John Tembon and Western Highlands Provincial Government In Suspension [1994] PNGLR 138; Wamena Trading v Civil Aviation Authority (2006) N3058; Westpac Bank (PNG) Ltd v Henderson [1990] PNGLR 112; WestPac Bank PNG Limited v ......
  • Wamena Trading Limited v Civil Aviation Authority of Papua New Guinea (2006) N3058
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • May 10, 2006
    ...was of the same view in the case of Wahgi Security Service Pty Ltd v John Tenlon and Western Highlands Provincial Government Suspension [1994] PNGLR 138. Kandakasi, J was also of that view in the case of Spirit Haus Ltd v Robert Marshall N2630 (2/9/00). 17. In Jay Mongo Pty Ltd v Steamship ......
  • Mathew Tolanas v Collins Gipe and Gome Gipe and and Sela Gipe (2008) N3536
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • December 9, 2008
    ...Investment Ltd (2004) SC767; Waghi Security Service Pty Ltd v John Tembon and Western Highlands Provincial Government In Suspension [1994] PNGLR 138 Overseas Cases: Bowmakers Ltd v Barnet Instruments Ltd [1945] 1 KB 65; Cowan v Mibourn (1867) L.R. 2 Ex 230; Liverpool Borough Bank v Turner (......
  • Anna Yakopa Kiwai v Jerry Kiwa
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • February 19, 2015
    ...v. The State (2007) SC860. Peter Wararu Waranaka v Gabriel Dusava (2009) SC980. Waghi Security Service Pty Ltd v. John Tembon & Anor and [1994] PNGLR 138. Gwanzik Wiring v. John Muingnepe (2012) N4889. Alotau Enterprises Pty Limited and Allen Enterprises Pty Limited v. Zurich Pacific Insura......
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6 cases
  • Madang Cocoa Growers Export Co Limited v National Development Bank Limited (2012) N4682
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • May 18, 2012
    ...Laundry v Newman [1949] 2 KB 528; Waghi Security Service Pty Ltd v John Tembon and Western Highlands Provincial Government In Suspension [1994] PNGLR 138; Wamena Trading v Civil Aviation Authority (2006) N3058; Westpac Bank (PNG) Ltd v Henderson [1990] PNGLR 112; WestPac Bank PNG Limited v ......
  • Wamena Trading Limited v Civil Aviation Authority of Papua New Guinea (2006) N3058
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • May 10, 2006
    ...was of the same view in the case of Wahgi Security Service Pty Ltd v John Tenlon and Western Highlands Provincial Government Suspension [1994] PNGLR 138. Kandakasi, J was also of that view in the case of Spirit Haus Ltd v Robert Marshall N2630 (2/9/00). 17. In Jay Mongo Pty Ltd v Steamship ......
  • Mathew Tolanas v Collins Gipe and Gome Gipe and and Sela Gipe (2008) N3536
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • December 9, 2008
    ...Investment Ltd (2004) SC767; Waghi Security Service Pty Ltd v John Tembon and Western Highlands Provincial Government In Suspension [1994] PNGLR 138 Overseas Cases: Bowmakers Ltd v Barnet Instruments Ltd [1945] 1 KB 65; Cowan v Mibourn (1867) L.R. 2 Ex 230; Liverpool Borough Bank v Turner (......
  • Anna Yakopa Kiwai v Jerry Kiwa
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • February 19, 2015
    ...v. The State (2007) SC860. Peter Wararu Waranaka v Gabriel Dusava (2009) SC980. Waghi Security Service Pty Ltd v. John Tembon & Anor and [1994] PNGLR 138. Gwanzik Wiring v. John Muingnepe (2012) N4889. Alotau Enterprises Pty Limited and Allen Enterprises Pty Limited v. Zurich Pacific Insura......
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