Application of Demas Gigimat

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation[1992] PNGLR 322
Date26 June 1992
CourtNational Court

National Court: Woods J

Judgment Delivered: 26 June 1992

1 Judicial review—leave—dismissal from employment in Post & Telecommunication Corporation—statutory rights of employment—procedures for dismissal


Woods J: This is an application for leave to seek Judicial Review of the decisions of certain officers of the Post and Telecommunication Corporation to suspend and dismiss the applicant from his employment with the Corporation.

The Applicant aged about 48 years had been employed by the Corporation or its predecessor since 1969. From 1986 he was the Supervisor of the Telecom Business Office in Mount Hagen. Early in 1991 investigators of the Corporation found that a large amount of money had gone missing from the office and the applicant being the supervisor he was asked for an explanation and being the supervisor he was held responsible. The investigation report recommended that charges be laid against him under the By–Laws in particular under s19 of the By–Laws. In accordance with the disciplinary by–laws he was asked to give reasons as to why he should not be dismissed from the Corporation.

In due course he gave an explanation however his explanation was held to be not acceptable. The reason given was that he was the person responsible for ensuring that proper procedures were in place when counting and banking of monies took place in the Mount Hagen Business Office. This he failed to do and as a result a total...

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