The State v Anton Vail (2003) N2473

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation(2003) N2473
Date04 July 2003
CourtNational Court

Full Title: The State v Anton Vail (2003) N2473

National Court: Lenalia J

Judgment Delivered: 4 July 2003

1 CRIMINAL LAW–unlawfully causing grievous bodily harm–Sentence

2 No cases referred to



Lenalia J: The accused was convicted upon his plea to one charge of unlawfully causing grievous bodily harm to his wife Maria Anton contrary to s319 of the Criminal Code.

The facts of this case are straightforward. On Friday 13 January 2003, the prisoner and his wife were invited to attend a dance held at Hamamas Hotel in Rabaul because they were invitees. There was an agreement between the prisoner and the victim that they both should attend the dance. However, there was a feast being attended to at Pilapila village and instead of the couple attending the dance together, the prisoner attended the feast leaving the victim to go alone to the dance at Hamamas Hotel.

On the early hours of the next day namely 14 January this year, between 1 and 3 am in the morning, when the prisoner got back from the feast and by which time, the wife who is the victim was already in their home commenced asking the victim if she ever danced at Hamamas Hotel. Frankly, the victim answered and said, she had been engaged in gate–takings that night but because she got tired, she got herself into the dance hall and danced with others.

After having heard this, the prisoner got...

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3 practice notes
  • The State v Maggie Rumints (Prisoner) (2012) N4900
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • November 21, 2012
    ...Simbe v The State [1994] PNGLR 38; Public Prosecutor v Don Hale (1998) SC564; The State v Amos Kiap (2003) N2452; The State v Anton Vail (2003) N2473; The State v Yale Sambrai (2005) N2886; The State v Patrick Kimat (2005) N2947; Edmund Gima v The State (2003) SC730; Saperus Yalibakut v The......
  • The State v Sam Piapin (2009) N3585
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • February 18, 2009
    ...Reuben Irowen [2002] PNGLR 190; The State v Lucas Huliahwere (2004) N2544; The State v Redford Bubura (2004) N2577; The State v Anton Vail (2003) N2473; The State v Amos Kiap (2003) N2452; The State v Patrick Kimat (2005) N2947; State v Namba Mako, CR48 of 2007, David J (16 October 2007); T......
  • The State v Peter Mol (2008) N3707
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • March 19, 2008
    ...State v David Saun [2003] PNGLR 198; The State v Eddie John Naopa (2003) N2411; The State v Amos Kiap (2003) N2452; The State v Anton Vail (2003) N2473; The State v Lucas Huliahwere (2004) N2544; The State v Larsen Talian (2003) N2381; The State v. Larsen Talian, CR. 749 of 2001, 22 April 2......
3 cases
  • The State v Maggie Rumints (Prisoner) (2012) N4900
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • November 21, 2012
    ...Simbe v The State [1994] PNGLR 38; Public Prosecutor v Don Hale (1998) SC564; The State v Amos Kiap (2003) N2452; The State v Anton Vail (2003) N2473; The State v Yale Sambrai (2005) N2886; The State v Patrick Kimat (2005) N2947; Edmund Gima v The State (2003) SC730; Saperus Yalibakut v The......
  • The State v Sam Piapin (2009) N3585
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • February 18, 2009
    ...Reuben Irowen [2002] PNGLR 190; The State v Lucas Huliahwere (2004) N2544; The State v Redford Bubura (2004) N2577; The State v Anton Vail (2003) N2473; The State v Amos Kiap (2003) N2452; The State v Patrick Kimat (2005) N2947; State v Namba Mako, CR48 of 2007, David J (16 October 2007); T......
  • The State v Peter Mol (2008) N3707
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • March 19, 2008
    ...State v David Saun [2003] PNGLR 198; The State v Eddie John Naopa (2003) N2411; The State v Amos Kiap (2003) N2452; The State v Anton Vail (2003) N2473; The State v Lucas Huliahwere (2004) N2544; The State v Larsen Talian (2003) N2381; The State v. Larsen Talian, CR. 749 of 2001, 22 April 2......

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