Mark Agi John Lakani v Gabe Ovia Ikupu

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation(2015) N6067
Date28 August 2015
CourtNational Court

Full : WS NO 194 OF 2013; Mark Agi John Lakani for and on behalf of himself and for the living descendants of Igo Tau Lakani of Kwaradubuna Laurina Clan of Hanuabada v Gabe Ovia Ikupu and John Dege in his capacity as the Managing Director of National Housing Corporation and National Housing Corporation and Henry Wasa, in his capacity as the Registrar of Titles and Romily Kila Pat, in his capacity as the Secretary for Department of Lands and Physical Planning and Hon. Benny Allan sued in his capacity as the Minister for Lands and Physical Planning and The Independent State of Papua New Guinea and Richard Sinamoi and Tumnir Investment Limited Ninth Defendant (2015) N6067

National Court: Makail, J

Judgment Delivered: 28 August 2015

PRACTICE & PROCEDURE—Application to dismiss proceeding—Failure to give notice of claim to State—Failure to plead reasonable cause of action—Failure to plead particulars of fraud—Action time-barred—Claims By and Against the State Act 1996—s5—Frauds and Limitations Act 1988—s16(1)—National Court Rules—O8, r30.

Cases cited:

Julius Pololi v. Brian Wyborn (2013) N5253

Stanis Leda v. Stettin Lumber Company Limited (2011) N4542

Tau Gumu v. PNGBC (2001) N2288

William Maki v. Michael Pundia and PNG Motors [1993] PNGLR 337


28th August, 2015

1. MAKAIL, J: On 16th March 2013 the plaintiff representing himself and other members of the Kwaradubuna Laurina Clan of Hanuabada commenced this proceeding to set aside a title granted to the eight defendant in relation to a piece of land described as State Lease Volume 38 Folio 9643 being Allotment 15 Section 46, Granville in the National Capital District.

Background Facts

2. The land is located at Hanuabada village in Port Moresby. The State Lease over Allotment 15 Section 46 was first granted to the third defendant on 05th August 1981. The third...

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4 practice notes
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church of PNG v Gunar Gee
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • January 11, 2019
    ...Bottling Industries Ltd v Lae Rental Homes Ltd (2011) SC1120 Lae Rental Homes Ltd v Viviso Seravo (2003) N2483 Mark Lakani v Gabe Ikupu (2015) N6067 Mosoro v Kingswell Ltd (2011) N4450 Mudge v Secretary for Lands [1985] PNGLR 387 NCDIC v Crusoe Pty Ltd [1993] PNGLR 139 Open Bay Timber Ltd v......
  • Vaki Vailala v National Housing Corporation
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • January 20, 2017
    ...(2011) SC1120 Lae Rental Homes Ltd v Viviso Seravo (2003) N2483 Mamun Investment Ltd v Nixon Koi (2015) SC1409 Mark Lakani v Gabe Ikupu (2015) N6067 Mosoro v Kingswell Ltd (2011) N4450 Mudge v Secretary for Lands [1985] PNGLR 387 NCDIC v Crusoe Pty Ltd [1993] PNGLR 139 Open Bay Timber Ltd v......
  • Vitus Kais v Sali Tagau
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • January 15, 2016
    ...(2011) SC1120 Lae Rental Homes Ltd v Viviso Seravo (2003) N2483 Mamun Investment Ltd v Nixon Koi (2015) SC1409 Mark Lakani v Gabe Ikupu (2015) N6067 Mosoro v Kingswell Ltd (2011) N4450 Mudge v Secretary for Lands [1985] PNGLR 387 NCDIC v Crusoe Pty Ltd [1993] PNGLR 139 Open Bay Timber Ltd v......
  • David Mota v Albert Camillus
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • July 27, 2017
    ...N5687 Louis Medaing v Ramu Nico Management (MCC) Ltd (2011) N4340 Mamun Investment Ltd v Nixon Koi (2015) SC1409 Mark Lakani v Gabe Ikupu (2015) N6067 Mond v Okoro [1992] PNGLR 501 Mudge v Secretary for Lands [1985] PNGLR 387 Musa Valley Management Company Ltd v Pepi Kimas (2010) N3827 PNG ......
4 cases
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church of PNG v Gunar Gee
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • January 11, 2019
    ...Bottling Industries Ltd v Lae Rental Homes Ltd (2011) SC1120 Lae Rental Homes Ltd v Viviso Seravo (2003) N2483 Mark Lakani v Gabe Ikupu (2015) N6067 Mosoro v Kingswell Ltd (2011) N4450 Mudge v Secretary for Lands [1985] PNGLR 387 NCDIC v Crusoe Pty Ltd [1993] PNGLR 139 Open Bay Timber Ltd v......
  • Vaki Vailala v National Housing Corporation
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • January 20, 2017
    ...(2011) SC1120 Lae Rental Homes Ltd v Viviso Seravo (2003) N2483 Mamun Investment Ltd v Nixon Koi (2015) SC1409 Mark Lakani v Gabe Ikupu (2015) N6067 Mosoro v Kingswell Ltd (2011) N4450 Mudge v Secretary for Lands [1985] PNGLR 387 NCDIC v Crusoe Pty Ltd [1993] PNGLR 139 Open Bay Timber Ltd v......
  • Vitus Kais v Sali Tagau
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • January 15, 2016
    ...(2011) SC1120 Lae Rental Homes Ltd v Viviso Seravo (2003) N2483 Mamun Investment Ltd v Nixon Koi (2015) SC1409 Mark Lakani v Gabe Ikupu (2015) N6067 Mosoro v Kingswell Ltd (2011) N4450 Mudge v Secretary for Lands [1985] PNGLR 387 NCDIC v Crusoe Pty Ltd [1993] PNGLR 139 Open Bay Timber Ltd v......
  • David Mota v Albert Camillus
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • July 27, 2017
    ...N5687 Louis Medaing v Ramu Nico Management (MCC) Ltd (2011) N4340 Mamun Investment Ltd v Nixon Koi (2015) SC1409 Mark Lakani v Gabe Ikupu (2015) N6067 Mond v Okoro [1992] PNGLR 501 Mudge v Secretary for Lands [1985] PNGLR 387 Musa Valley Management Company Ltd v Pepi Kimas (2010) N3827 PNG ......

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