Joel Pepa Paua v Robert Timo Ngale and Electoral Commissioner [1992] PNGLR 563

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
CourtNational Court
Citation[1992] PNGLR 563
Date22 October 1992

Full Title: Joel Pepa Paua v Robert Timo Ngale and Electoral Commissioner [1992] PNGLR 563

National Court: Woods J

Judgment Delivered: 22 October 1992

1 Elections—Parliament—disputed returns—form of

2 Petition—statutory requirements—facts relied on to invalidate petition—errors and omissions—failure to plead material facts—tally figures to show election could have been affected—Organic Law on National Elections s208


Woods J: This is a Petition disputing the validity of the Election for the Mul Baiyer Open seat in the Western Highlands Province in the 1992 National Elections.

The Respondents have moved the Court to strike out the Petition on the basis that the Petition does not comply with the provisions of s208 of the Organic Law on National Elections.

Generally the submissions raised by the respondents have been that the various clauses in the Petition fail to specify the facts relied on to invalidate the election. As to what facts are required has been determined by the National and Supreme Courts in various cases the main statements being in the case Holloway v Ivarato [1988] PNGLR 99. I will not repeat these statements here but note that I rely on the principles so stated.

Most of the allegations raise questions as to the actions of electoral officials in the conduct of the Poll and the counting and the overall impression of the Petition, and this is supported by the submissions of the lawyer for the Petitioner, is that the Petitioner initially...

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