Agriculture News Update

Grocery watchdog moves closer

The introduction of a new Groceries Code adjudicator took an important step forward when the Bill was introduced into Parliament in May. The Grocery Supply Code of Practice was brought into force over two years ago now, but without an enforcement mechanism its usefulness has been widely questioned. The introduction of an adjudicator has been welcomed by both suppliers and producers alike. The new body will enforce the Groceries Supply Code of Practice which was put in place after a study of the market by the Competition Commission back in 2008 identified competition issues. The adjudicator will be able to:

arbitrate disputes between retailers and suppliers investigate confidential complaints from direct and indirect suppliers, either from the UK, overseas or third parties 'name and shame' offenders fine supermarkets if other solutions aren't working (and the Secretary of State grants these powers). The first reading of the Bill took place on 10 May, a formality that signals the start of the journey through the Lords and the House of Commons. This process will probably not be completed until 2013, although many will be hoping for a swift passage through to Royal Assent.


Just over 103,000 2012 single payment scheme applications were submitted to the Rural Payments Agency this year, slightly down on the...

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