Bangladesh, China, Myanmar to sit Jan 19.

After two final sendoff bids having flopped, hopes for Rohingya repatriation rises again as another Bangladesh-China- Myanmar tripartite secretary-level meeting is set for January 19 in Dhaka with some catalytic factors in the backdrop. "We hope it will be a fruitful meeting," Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen told reporters Wednesday. Bangladesh has handed over a list of 8.4 lakh Rohingyas to Myanmar for verification, as a precondition for the return, Momen said. "Myanmar has verified very few people. They're very slow. They verified only 42,000 people," said the foreign minister in the run-up to the resumption of the repatriation process mediated by China after the veto power had headed off Banglsdesh from the UN motion onto the table of talks for a bilateral solution. In some significant developments, meanwhile, the Rohingya issue was taken to the ICC and the IJC under an OIC initiative. Hearings have been held and final orders are awaited. Dr Momen said they are doing their part of the job but Myanmar is not responding the same way...

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