Banglsdesh daily coronavirus deaths rise to 31, cases to 1007.

Bangladesh sees daily corona deaths jump to 31 Thursday from Wednesday's 17 while cases rise a bit to 1,007, warranting improvement in both curative and preventive treatments. As vaccination commencement in the country still looks uncertain as procurement timing not affirmed, medics suggest strict enforcement of three main preventive measures: mask-wearing, hand sanitization, and distancing. They not that recent drives have "substantially increased mask-wearing and thus helped avert a feared explosion in transmission in winter surge". But 'social distancing' rules are being flouted. Huge political gatherings are taking place, markets being crowded and buses overloaded with passengers beyond seat capacity. The latest cases took the tally of infections so far to 519,905 while death toll rose to 7,718 with the 31 fatalities registered in the 24 hours to 8 am Thursday, according to data released by the government's health department. Another 966 patients recovered from the illness through treatment at home and in hospital care in the same period, bringing the total to 464,446. A total of 15,381 samples were tested at 181 authorised labs across the country in the last 24 hours, yielding a positivity rate of 6.55 percent. The latest official figures put the recovery rate at 89.33 percent while the mortality rate stands at 1.48 percent. Globally, over 87.23 million people have been infected by the novel coronavirus and 1.88 million have died, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University. Infections have been reported in more than 210 countries and territories since the first cases were identified in China in December 2019. Major countries getting armed with vaccines in the corona war generates hope for overall recovery from the ravages across the world, as Bangladesh continues to count rather lower incidence of transmission and prepares for vaccination as a preventive against the virus. Bangladesh's overall turnaround, especially economic recovery, largely revolves around attaining 'herd immunity' at home and its merchandize- and manpower- export-destination countries, economists think. Two weapons can work: effective vaccination, and personal protection with mask use, sanitising and social distancing until the mass immunity is attained with 70-80 percent developing antibody through infection and inoculation. "If it is possible, a V-shaped economic growth can be seen soon," says many an economic analyst in their prediction about a sharp rise...

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