Call raise awareness to check human trafficking.

State Minister for Law Quamrul Islam on Tuesday stressed the need for raising awareness among people, especially the rural ones, to stop human trafficking, reports UNB.

"Human trafficking can't be checked only by enforcing law. We must change our attitude and develop a tendency to do something good. All must be aware about all forms of human trafficking," he said while speaking at a seminar at Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU).

Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum (BSAF), an organisation working for child rights, arranged the national seminar, titled 'Implementation of Human Trafficking Act 2012: Children's Perspective and Challenges', with the support of Terre des Hommes Netherlands.

Identifying poverty as the root-cause behind the human trafficking in the country, the junior minister said, "Poverty-stricken people often willingly hand their family members over to human traffickers in exchange for money."

He also observed that the...

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