CNBG vaccine resists coronavirus variants: co claims.

An inactivated vaccine developed by China National Biotec Group (CNBG) affiliated with Sinopharm is broad- spectrum and can cross-neutralize different coronavirus strains, the company claims. "Tests for the mutant strains found in Britain are in progress, and the preliminary results are good. It (the vaccine) can induce protection," CNBG chairman Yang Xiaoming told Xinhua in an interview. China granted conditional market approval for the vaccine developed by the Beijing Biological Products Institute Co., Ltd. under the CNBG last month. It showed 79.34 percent efficacy against COVID-19, and the seroconversion rate of neutralizing antibodies reached 99.52 percent, according to the interim results of the phase-3 clinical trials. According to Yang, more than 10 million doses of self-developed vaccines have been administered in China, with the side effects mainly limited to pain at the injection site, headache, muscle pain and fever. He said that the CNBG vaccine can induce antibodies against the coronavirus 10 days after the first shot, but there is a big difference in the antibody level in different people. The antibodies will reach a higher level 14 days after the second shot, providing adequate protection against the virus. Yang added that the CNBG explored different vaccination procedures and doses in the clinical trials. The results showed that the vaccine has the best effect when the second shot is three or four weeks after the first one. "The CNBG is closely observing the length of protection its...

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