Companies Act 2006 - Simplifying The Way In Which Businesses Operate
One stated aim of the Companies Act 2006 ("the Act")
was to make it simpler for, in particular, small and medium sized
companies to set up and operate. This note briefly considers how,
by amending its Articles of Association, a company can benefit from
some of the changes brought about by the Act.
Before the remaining provisions of the Act are implemented on 1
October 2009, companies should review their current constitutional
documents in order to take advantage of these changes. Those
involved in arrangements such as shareholder and joint venture
agreements, may also consider potential changes to those documents
and their related Articles of Association. Those administering
public companies will probably already be going through a more
detailed review exercise in the light of the Act.
Articles of Association
Articles of Association are a public document open to inspection
at Companies House and, together with the Memorandum of
Association, form the constitutional documents of a company.
Articles of Association may only be altered by special resolution
by a company's members.
Articles of Association are covered by part three of chapter two
of the Act. Every company must have a set of Articles. These must
be filed with Companies House, unless they are "model
articles" which have not been modified. Model articles are
essentially standard sets of Articles which have been prepared for
the three most common types of companies:
Private companies limited by shares;
Private companies limited by guarantees; and
Public companies.
Model articles for each type of company will apply by default to
any company formed and registered under the Act. Companies can
choose to include the provisions of model articles in their own
Articles, with or without modification, provided of course they do
not conflict with any mandatory provisions of the Act. For most
small companies this is probably the best way to proceed, i.e.
adopting the provisions of model articles, perhaps in whole or
possibly with one or two small modifications.
For all companies incorporated before 1 October 2009 no changes
are required to their Articles of Association. However, an existing
private company may wish to adopt the private company new model
articles (with or without modifications), in place of its current
Articles. These model articles were designed with the needs of
small, owner managed businesses in mind and the provisions have
been kept as simple as possible. The Department for...
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