Corporate Law Reform: An Overview

Published date05 April 2024
Law FirmWenger Vieli AG
AuthorMr Marc Walter

Learn more about the corporate law reform. Our experts provide an overview of the most important information on the corporate law reform in the spotlight as well as in the guideline below.

Corporate Law Reform (Spotlight - Short Overview)
While part of the comprehensive corporate law reform has already entered into force, namely the regulations regarding the gender quota and the transparency requirements for commodity companies, the revised Stock Corporation Act will now enter into full force and effect as of January 1, 2023. Most relevant are a greater flexibility both in terms of the share capital and when holding general meetings as well as the strengthening of shareholder rights. The most important changes are outlined below, with a focus on unlisted companies.

Download the Spotlight here (PDF)

Corporate Law Reform (Guideline - Detailled Overview)
The revised corporate law will enter into force and effect as of January 1, 2023. The revision focuses on liberalizing provisions governing the formation and capital requirements, improving...

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